38. | Rivals?

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[ background ;; (off-track) Shivaay and Annika are academic rivals. ]


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Shivaay frowned when he noticed, his 'supposed' academic rival, Annika Trivedi dozing off on her arm in the farthest corner of the library.

"I guess someone stayed up past their bedtime." Shivaay remarked pulling a chair beside hers. She woke up startled from her nap.

Narrowing her eyes at him, "What do you mean? I w-wasn't sleeping." She murmured as she rubbed her eyes and flipped a page of the book that was lying open in front of her. She blinked a few times trying to regain her focus.

Shivaay tutted softly as he closed her book, "You know you are going to be sick, if you don't get enough sleep. And I can't risk my favourite competitor falling sick, now can I?" He asked. Annika frowned at his statement. But he had already turned back to his book, and a few minutes later he felt a weight on his arm. He looked down to see Annika dozing off using, her head being cushioned by his arm and he smiled softly.

"And they say they are rivals." Mallika scoffed as she observed the scene.

" Mallika scoffed as she observed the scene

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