|| 40. || Chocolates

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Annika sat through the boring lecture biting back a yawn. She was tired and was having a really tough time holding herself up, her eyelids were drooping and she tried really hard to stay awake throughout the lecture. Even her water bottle was now empty.

"Here." She heard a hushed voice say, she turned around and saw a boy forwarding her the chocolate. She looked at it with a frown causing the boy to roll his eyes.

"It's just chocolate, it will help you stay awake. Though I absolutely despise sharing my chocolates, I suppose I can make an exception as your yawns are disturbing me and making me feel sleepy." He said as he forwarded the wrapped half towards her and she watched as munched on the unwrapped one in his hands.

She took it hesitantly, though she wanted to knock some sense but she held back as she really needed to stay awake. And before she could thank him, he had already turned back to his notebook.

The next day came, and the actions repeated. "Don't you sleep enough at night?" The boy asked as he passed another piece of chocolate to her. And the routine continued.

It was the last day of the semester. She eagerly waited for him.

"Here. Thank you." She winked as she handed him a bar of chocolate that she noticed he usually brought. The boy arched his eyebrows, "Why thank you. Occasion?"

"Well, I am just continuing our routine." She said with a shrug. "And since, the semester has already ended, it's about time we exchanged our names? I'm Annika."

"Shivaay." He said and she watched in surprise as he broke the bar in half and handed her one.


Dude, this was how I met my best friend 🤣

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