34. | Worried

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[ background ;; Annika is training her daughter ]

[ background ;; Annika is training her daughter ]

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"And then you do it with your full force!" Annika instructed.

Shivani nodded her brows furrowed in concentration, her tongue peaking out slightly from the corner of her lips as she watched her target with narrowed eyes.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes mom!" She raised her hands, Shivaay shuddered, Shivaansh's hands fisting on his kurta as they both shivered. "Dad, did you do something?" He asked his father. Shivaay shook his head. "Not that I am aware of." He gulped.

"Did you?" He asked, his son too shook his head.

"Now aim at the target." They watched as Shivani brought her hand behind her back.

"Now flung it." And she flung the jug, the water splashing onto the doll they have incorporated as a practice target.

Shivaay and Shivaansh shared a look. "You are thinking what I am thinking, dad?" Shivaay looked down at his twelve year old son and nodded.

"We gotta train her boyfriend to protect himself." Shivaay spoke.

"After having 'the talk' with him, right?" He asked his father. Shivaay nodded seriously.

"Right." Shivaay agreed gaping at the mother and daughter pair.

Why did I imagine this ?

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