26. | Genes

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[background ;; Shivaansh has inherited his abilities ;) ]

[background ;; Shivaansh has inherited his abilities ;) ]

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"Have you seen my phone?" Annika's eyebrow furrowed.

"There were important documents I had saved in that." Shivaay pinched the bridge of his nose frustrated.

She swatted at her husband's wildly gesturing hands. Her face scrunched up in concentration before she shook her head.

"You're coming from Shivaansh's room-" And both of them went inside his room.

There he was playing Shivaay's phone clutched tightly in his little fingers.

"Ansh, give him his phone." Annika cooed as she sat next to the toddler.

Shivaansh frowned at the phone in his hands before throwing it towards Shivaay. "Dada catchyy" he giggled.

And the phone went crashing onto the floor.

Annika couldn't stop her from laughing. "Definitely his dad's genes." Shivaay glared at her.

Hehe, my mom told me I flushed my dad's wallet when I was three 😝

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Hehe, my mom told me I flushed my dad's wallet when I was three 😝

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