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Photo-Louis' tattoo (:


Enjoy :)

With a huff,Louis let his body slump against the front door of his and his bestfriends apartment,dropping his satchel to the side and kicking off his worn out and tattered vans before walking the short distance to the sofa and collapsing face first onto the light brown fabric sofa.Tired was an understatement,Louis was exhausted and was regretting staying up late the following night binge watching American Horror story,he had heard so many good things about the show that he had to watch it all in one night.He had listened to Zayn blabber mouth around the show so many times,telling his spoilers for each episodes and whatnot and it was so Annoying so he decided to watch it himself.If he was behind honest,the whole program freaked Louis out a little but he continued to watch it since it was kind of addicting,also the fact that Evan Peters made an appearance kind of lured Louis into the trap of watching the program in the first place.

Louis was just really glad that it was now winter break

And that now he had 2 weeks of sleeping to catch up with

Louis hummed in content as he snuggled his face into one of the fluffy pillows he had left there the following night,kicking one leg over the back of the sofa to get himself comfortable for his well deserved 4 hour nap before dinner.When I say dinner it's more of a 'let's fight over which Take away restaurant we'll order out of tonight' and even after the fight they always go for whatever Louis chooses since Zayn breaks under the intense puppy dog eyes that the small boy can pull off.With the college fees that the two had to pay they didn't have a lot of money,but lucky enough for them the Chinese they normally ordered out of knew Zayn and Louis so they got their meals cheaper then usual.It wasn't as if they weren't capable of cooking food,they both were but with their college schedules and the lack of sleep,they couldn't be bothered to cook so they ordered out instead.

"Lou?That you?"Zayn called from down the fall,peeking his head through the crack of his bedroom door.The apartment that they rented was pretty small,with only two average sized bedrooms,a small bathroom and then a living room and kitchen.It was enough for the two 19 year olds to live,and the rent wasn't all that bad so they were able to pay their halves of the rent and their college fees with their part time jobs.It was now Christmas break,the date being the 20th of December and Louis and Zayn bith finishing until the new year.Louis wasn't looking forward to the new year,the new year meant that he won't be living in his apartment no more and will be forced into the residence of someone else's home.

Louis and Zayn lived in a world were everyone was paired up with another,One Dom for every sub and a sub for every Dom.A Sub and Dom were born with matching tattoos inked somewhere on their body,whatever a subs tattoo was it'll be matching to their Doms maybe not in the same place but it'll be matching.The tattoo could be anything or anywhere,for example Louis' tattoo was on his left collar bone and front shoulder.It was a a scatter of birds,Louis loved his Sub tattoo it was so cute and elegant and by wearing sweaters that only hung off one shoulder meant that he could show other subs and Doms his tattoo proudly.Even if he had yet to meet his Dom or know his looks or opinion,he was still allowed to flaunt off his tattoo to make others jealous.When a sub reached a year over legal age was when they met their Dom,they would receive a letter or something of the sort and would meet their Dom.

Louis wasn't sure how to feel

"No,it's Jack the Ripper,"Louis mumbled into the pillow that he had stuffed his pillow into,his voice being loud enough for Zayn to hear from his bedroom.Chuckling,Zayn strolled out of his bedroom in just a pair of boxers,leaning against the wall of the livingroom with his Arms crossed over his toned dark skinned chest,all of his tattoos on show and really,it was a mouth watering sight if Louis looked up from the pillow he was trying to suffocate himself in."I know you are watching me,your God-Like looks make goosebumps form in my skin whenever you're in my presence."Louis continued as he shifted so that his back was now to Zayn and his nose was digging into the back of the fabric sofa."Now let me sleep moron,"He grumbled annoyed,groaning to Himself when he felt Zayn arms wrap around his waist.

"Oh,someone's grumpy.You'd think knowing that you've got this hunk for a Dom would make you happy-"Zayn started to talk only to be flung of the sofa in Louis' quick movements,the once tired Doncaster Lad now standing up on his sock cladded feet with wide Blue eyes staring down at Zayn.The Bradford lad groaned and rubbed at the back of his head from where he hit it off the wooden floor due to Louis' quick actions,looking up at Louis with confused eyes and threaded eyebrows.Zayn himself was also a sub although his sub tattoo was on the side of his hand and was a very authentic flower in black ink,you wouldn't exactly picture him as a sub with his attitude but he was,just not as submissive as Louis was.

"You opened my Fucking letter?!"Louis screeched staring holes at Zayn who was getting up slowly,slightly taller than the feather haired boy since he was small for his age.With being out all morning it was obvious that Louis had missed the postman which men's team he also missed his Letter to tell him who his assigned Dom was.Louis' anger was sky rocketing,his bestfriend knew before Louis.

"I might've peeked?But it's sitting right there in the table,I thought you would've looked by now!"He defended himself rather quickly by picking up the brown envelope and pulling out the white sheet,pointing at it with his golden brown eyes.

"You prick!I was suppose to know first!This is very important to me Zayn and you fucking ruined it!"Louis screamed a small first hitting Zayns chest (he was weak so it barely hurt him) before he snatched the eve lope and sheet out of Zayns hands and then storming down the hallway,his hips swaying angrily as he walked clutching the information close to his chest as he walked.Slamming his bedroom door closed he flicked on his table lamp and plopped himself down in his puffy desk chair.He loved Zayn like a brother but honestly the guy really annoyed him at times and always went through his Personal belongings,it was like living with his mother all over again.Such as that time Louis was finding out what university he got into and waited all morning for the post to arrive only to find out that it arrived before he woke up and his mum had already looked and found out.

Louis picked up his neatly folded glasses from where he last left them on his desk,perching them on the bridge of his nose and letting his eyes readjust before picking up the white sheet that Zayn took out of the envelope and letting his eyes skim read the long paragraph printed out.It was all useless crap to be honest,the history behind the world they lived in the numerous different roles that a Dom could play and a sub could act in.Louis was find in a lot of the sub roles that he saw and since he was always willing to give things ago he was fine with letting his new assigned Dom take control and pick his role for him.Louis let out a small huff as he scanned over the Page for his Green and Reds,he wasn't in the mood to be deciding what he liked and what he didn't,after all he'll try everything at least once but he knew he wouldn't like things such as Hot Wax.

Talk about ouchie

"Who on earth is Liam James Payne?"Louis scrunched up his nose as he read the name that was in bold letters on the page,his age of 26 noted down onto the same page,with his job,location and anything else that Louis needed to know for the current moment."Oh great,he's in a gang..."Louis was whispering as of someone was ease dropping on him,he was sure Zayn was on the other side of the door listening but that was different.If he was in a hang that meant that he was dangerous,right?Do people know that he's in a gang?Does he kill people?

Opening his old and run down Laptop,Louis pushed up his glasses as he started to type into Google in new Doms name,after previously exiting out of Netflix.Instead of having sky,Louis and Zayn shared the 6.99 per month for Netflix and just used that to browse Television shows and Movies,they found it easier.Louis' blue eyes widened in shock at how handsome and rugged that this Liam guy looked,with his chocolate brown eyes and his stumble.He had a stern expression on his face and looked very serious but Louis was expecting so,e bald dude in his 40s so he wasn't complaining.

He was just hoping that he wasn't an asshole

My finger is dead,and it feels weird as I type so

Sorry for this lame first chapter I wanted to update this because look at the amount of votes YAY

If I get to 100 votes all together I'll update quicker (:

Apologies for spelling errors I'm tried

How was this for a first chapter?


Peace ✌🏼️


[QOTC:Is anyone who is reading interested in a BDSM based relationship?]

[AOTC:I am 😏]

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