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I am so so sorry for leaving Thai fic in the dark since the end of February. I've just been so so busy, I've had my GCSE's (very important exams) and I've been finishing off other fics while I've been at it. But it's summer and I've made it my goal to finish certain fanfics and this is one of them!

So I'm sorry again, and I hope that this chapter will make up for my lack of updates and attention to his fic and hopefully you'll enjoy what is left of this fic to come!

Also! Incredible amount of thanks for getting me over 400K views and over 17.5K votes! That's fucking amazing and if this ever reaches 1M views I swear I think I'd cry 😂 but I think that'd be a good time from now but there's always wishful thinking!

On the bright side, met Jamie Dornan today. Mr. Grey himself.

Enjoy some fetus Louis and Liam to hurt your heart (:

It's been far too long since Louis was last punishment, nevermind scowled at by Liam

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It's been far too long since Louis was last punishment, nevermind scowled at by Liam. Maybe that was because things were still incredibly tender between the pair, Liam not wanting to do anything that could jeopardise the relationship that they've built up after blow after blow and Louis not being so much of a brat after all. Of course, there comes to times like these that Louis does act out, in public, and Liam has to do something about it.

They can't live in the dark for long. Liam has just as much as an inch under his skin to control Louis as Louis has to be controlled, no matter how much that the pretty submissive wants to try and deny that fact. He craves it, it's attention and everyone knows just how much that Louis loves attention, especially when it's coming from the right person.

His little act in the club was a telltale sign of want and greed and Liam has made it his mission to have it punished out of Louis. It's been far too long since they've scened, and maybe that's because Louis has been all too sensitive but he's been pushing for far too long and he's pushed Liam over the edge with his little sneering in the club; now it's time for a well needed punishment.

"Up those stairs, strip and kneel."Liam orders, not even looking at Louis as he looks down at his phone, in the middle of informing Harry of their whereabouts and making sure that they won't be home early. From what he can tell, Harry and Zayn will be out late, which means that they don't have to limit things to the bedroom if needed.


"Did it sound like I was negotiating?"Liam's voice suddenly turns extremely cold, giving Louis a look that leaves no room for anymore arguments and shows that he is not messing around. The submissive immediately curls into himself at Liam's harsh stare, shoulders slumping back and head lowering in a submissive manner.

"No, sir."He murmurs, keeping his stare at his bare thighs.

"When I come up those stairs you better be naked and you better be kneeling."Liam doesn't spare Louis a second glance, waiting until the soft mumble of yes sir and the the car door closing before he makes any movement to get out the car himself. Liam pays his driver a pretty big tip for having to deal with Louis and him before he gets out of the car, purposely taking his time.

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