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I'm honestly so so so so so so sorry guys this is so short but it's an update, Y'know?

Btw I have a new Louis-Centric (LILO, Larry, Zouis and Nouis) book out called 'He's a Little Bit Different' and it's the book I shall be writing all summer so pls give it a go

The new Gentleman cover made by the beautiful babydoIl . You like it?

I love and appreciate ALL of your votes and comments. Please keep them coming (:

Liam does his duty as a Dominant to clean up his submissive, cleaning him throughout with sweet scented soap, massaging shampoo into his hair and making sure that he is rinsed off of suds or foam. Louis leans into every gentle touch, and moans as Liams fingers work though his hair, he was always one to enjoy the simple things in life, affection and touch was one of those things that Louis craved for.

Liam makes quick work on cleaning himself before they get out of the newly drawn bath - seeing as the first bath was more cum than clean water -, a hand supporting Louis who stands pathetically innocently by the bathtub as he waits for Liam to get him a towel and treat him like the princess that he is.

The towel is soft and warm, straight out of the press. Liam drapes the towel over Louis' shoulders, pecking the Submissives lips sweetly before he dries himself off quickly, wrapping the towel around his own waist. Louis makes a soft sound in the back of his throat, skin tinted pink from the warmth of the water he just exited, hazel hair damp and beads of water running down his face.

Liam is cautious as he guides Louis into the livingroom, sitting the submissive down onto the unmade bed. He wasn't sure if Louis was in subspace or was just tired, seeing as Louis has resulted to closing his eyes and just humming in response to anything that Liam says or does. Liam dries and throws on a pair of boxers, turning and admiring how soft and adorable looking Louis looks with drying wet hair and pink skin.

"Princess, can you open your eyes for me?"Liam coos, leaning down in front of Louis and rubbing circles ok the back of Louis' hand. Louis' eyes flutter open, blue eyes bright and pupils dilated just slightly as he looks back at Liam."Are you okay?"

"Yes, Daddy."Louis replies, voice quiet as he nods his head. Liam smiles, eyes crinkling at the corners as he looks fondly at his sub. He was honestly so deep in love with Louis was it was frightening, how he never wanted to leave Louis' side and always has the urge to touch his submissive in anyway possible. Liam knows that he doesn't say to Louis that he loves him a lot, but it was obvious by the small touches and sweet affection that Louis is showered in.

"Lets get you in comfy clothing and I'll take you out for breakfast, is that okay baby?"Liam asks, Getting the result that eh was looking for whenever he notices that Louis wasn't in subspace, he was just mellowed out after the bath and the sex. Louis nods, allowing to be patted and dabbed dry by the towel and for the towel to be rubbed through his hair.

Liam picks out an outfit for Louis ( "Pink and blue go well together, right? Don't look at me like that, I'm not a fucking fashionista Louis."), well, an outfit that is deemed worthy enough to wear out in public but also comfy enough that Louis doesn't whine and complain. Before helping to get Louis dressed, Liam is slicking up a metal butt plug into the submissive gaping hole.

The plug was not on its own, attached was a bushy fox tail that Liam adored, loving the way that the tail falls behind Louis and brushes against the back of his thighs as he stands or walks. Louis is amused by the tail, running his fingers in what he thought would be bristly fur but infact is soft under his touch and coloured a near enough brown/ orange colour with white at the tip.

Gentleman⚣Lilo BDSM✔️Where stories live. Discover now