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I've had so much positive feedback and I've got over 100+ votes and it's only the second chapter and I swear I'm not crying on anything

These chapters are gonna be short but it's an update so eh

Thank you :)

Enjoy (:

Louis was more than done with his form which still needed to be sent off back to the application centre and then sent off to his new Dom.It was weird to know that his Dom had probably gotten the same letter,today,to tell him that Louis was his sub.It made Louis feel slightly-Self conscious in a way as if Liam (if he was even going to be aloud to call him Liam)had done the same thing as Louis did and search his name into Google.Louse was just hoping that he didn't come across his old MySpace page,or Facebook at that since there was so many embarrassing photos and cringe worthy posts that would make anyone want to unfriend Louis in a heartbeat.Louis had all of the social media sites,mind you that he doesn't use them all he just had them to make it seem like he was hip and popular when in reality he only has one friend and he's not even taking to him at the moment.

Louis was still mad at Zayn and his God-Like face

Zayn had gone out food shopping and hour ago so Louis was alone in the apartment,still cooped up in his bedroom with his purple duvet wrapped snugly around him as he sat at his computer desk with a cup of tea in his hands and glasses on the bridge of his nose.He had been staring at the brown envelope for 10 minutes now as if the last page he needed to fill out would fill itself out and that he wouldn't have to go genii go the awkwardness of filling out his green and reds.He couldn't afford to be awkward about it,with the way things were looking it was going to be his life and that he'll have to follow guidelines and preform sexual activities.It wasn't as if Louis was a Virgin because let me tell you,he was far from the sort.He had slept with a number of different guys and of course maybe even Zayn one night when both boys were drunk out of their minds and just decided to sleep together.

Not all Doms and Subs had an active sex life throughout their lives,Some just followed a couple of guidelines and remained life as normal as possible.Although a sub still had to remain loyal and respect their Dom,they also still had to follow whatever rules or commands that their Dom had for them.Louis' Dad had his mum on a rather long leash,and at times he wished that he didn't and punished her whenever she would say anything snarky or remark Louis on something he did.His mum and dad wasn't so much into the Sex part of BDSM,they were more focused on the wellbeing of one another and then starting a family,which they did when Louis popped into the world with the whole confetti and balloon parade.

"I wonder if Liam is nice,"Louis mumbled as he took a sip of his tea and then switched his eyes to look at his opened Laptop screen that was still on a photo of Liam."Nah,probably not."He shook his head as he sighed,Setting the mug down onto the desk before pushing up his glasses and then picking up a pen,clicking it and then starting to fill out the part of the form he was dressing to fill out.There was something's that he knew he wouldn't like to do,other things that he was fine with and then others that he was willing to try and if he didn't like them then he wouldn't do it.He was just hoping that This Liam guy wouldn't make him do anything he wasn't comfortable with.

-Use of cock Rings
-Use of vibrators/Dildos (Usually used with binding and sensory deprivation)
-Sensory Deprivation
-Orgasm Denial

-Hot Wax

"All done!"Louis giggled to himself as he filled it out and then slowly started to look through the sheets once more before he'd make Zayn go and send them back.He wasn't planning on moving for the rest of the day,he didn't need to and it wasn't as if he needed to pack up his belonging to go and visit his family over the winter break.He couldn't afford to,and he didn't really want to either.

Subs rewards
-Orgasm Approval
-Pleasurable play
-Blow jobs
-Hand jobs
-Use of Vibrators
-Use of Dildos
-Submissive's Choice
-Use of kinks
-Nights out
-Permission to a gift/Present of the Submissive's or Dominants choice

"Louis,are you up yet?"Zayn called from the other side of Louis' bedroom door.Louis sighed and put his things into the file and put it to the side.He knew he'd have to eventually talk to Zayn,the two couldn't exactly avoid each other since they lived in the same apartment and were seconding winter break with one another.Zayn was also a harmless creature,at times that is.Other times he is a complete and utter dick such as yesterday when he opened the letter before Louis.But neither the less Louis loved his best friend to pieces and would be lost without him.

"Yes,"He replied back rather bluntly,acting like the stubborn shit that he was.On the other side of the door Zayn rolled his eyes and opened the door with his elbow,his hands full with a tray filled with food and tea.It was his way of asking for Louis' forgiveness,you just have to give Louis food and he'll forgive you in a heartbeat."Oh,you brought food.You're Welcome to come in,"He smirked before a small giggle escape his mouth once Zayn gave him a small glare and sat the tray on his desk once the laptop was moved to sit on Louis' lap.

"I'm sorry about yesterday,I was just being nosey.And you could say that I'm a little jealous that you're getting your letter before I am and maybe a little sad because my Loubear isn't going to be living across the hall from me,"The raven haired boy admitted with a sigh,running his hands through his well styled hair before looking at Louis.He was leaning against the desk,Louis staring up at him from his place on the desk chair.Zayn couldn't help to be a little jealous,I mean his best friend was going to be living with someone as handsome as Liam Payne for god sake!He was probably never going to see Louis again,or if he did barely since this Liam guy was apparently as strict as they can get.And then Zayn had his own Dom to worry about in just a months time.

"No,don't be sad Zaynie!You'll see me loads,My new Dom will have to let me see my best friend,I wouldn't be able to function correctly without you!"Louis exclaimed,standing up and letting his duvet fall to the ground so he was able to wrap his Arms around his best friend.Louis was short for his age,Zayn being the taller of the two so Louis had his head rested on Zayns shoulder during the hug.He was going to miss Zayn,but he was hoping that nothing would change.He would still see him in class and on college campus,and of course they had their annual Sunday movie night that would be a crime to skip or miss.

"I hate change,it's going to be so weird."Zayn sighed heavily making his chest rise and fall as he let his hands rest of Louis' back."Maybe we could struck gold for once and our Doms could be best friends.How weird would that be?"He later laughed as they pulled away from the hug and Louis moved behind Zayn to reach for the bacon butty that was made for him.

"We'll be fine,I promise you,"Louis whispered and took a bite of his food,"You want some?"He asked with his mouth still full of food and crumbs falling out of his mouth.Zayn chuckled and shook his head fondly at Louis as he took a seat onto the rather stiff bed that Louis owned.

"Maybe Your new Dom will teach you some manners,"He smirked up at Louis who lightly kicked him in the shine as he fell onto the desk chair once more and took a gulp of tea before eating again."And maybe show you how not to eat like some starved super model,"The Bradford lad added,and with that,that's how Zayn ended up with cold tea in his hair.


Okay,so I was upload to update another book but this one keeps getting votes and positive comments so IM UPDATING

I find it rather quick to update this book,maybe because the chapters or shorter or because I've never wrote something like this and it's different and quirky but I DOMT CARE

I'm already falling in love with book



Peace ✌🏼️


[QOTC:I know that some people don't like bottom Zayn,but sometimes I do because it's different, but the question is; who should be Zayns Dom?Harry or Niall?]

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