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Spent a fucking week on this chapter and it's still shitty AF

Liam stays silent. He doesn't know what to say, never mind what to do. He wasn't expecting this to ever happen, and he guesses that's the whole point of an unexpected visit from a family member that you don't really get along with anymore. To say something, Liam doesn't get along with any of his remaining family, and surprisingly that isn't just his blame but his sisters had a fair share to do with it as well, they could sometimes pick up the phone and ask how their baby brother was doing, but they don't.

Karen looks so natural, standing in the kitchen as if she lived there, as if there wasn't tension in the air so thick that Liam could cut with a knife. It bothered Liam, how his mum could just make an appearance out of the blue and act like everything between them was absolutely brilliant even though Liam has the urge to grab a gun and go on a 2 day killing spree.

"Princess, go up stairs and put some clothes on."Liam orders, voice soft as he turns to look at Louis who has proceed to hide behind the dominate. Liams thumb rubs over Louis' knuckles softly, the younger submissive looking up at Liam through thick eyelashes.

"But my Bum's sore."He whispers. Louis peers behind him at Karen who watches the pair interact, smiling at him whenever she spots the submissive looking over at her. Louis doesn't like the look of her, he was just getting this feeling about her that was off and he wasn't sure what it was but it made him uneasy and more insecure the longer she paid attention to him.

"I know, princess."Liam sighs, running his hand through Louis' hazel hair."Just do as I say, and I'll massage your bum later on, okay?"He compromises, his hand moving down to cup Louis' cheek, bending down to press a kiss to Louis' lips softly.

"But Daddy-"

"Now, Louis."Liam raises his voice, voice sharp as he orders the young submissive to do as he's told. Louis jumps in alert, making a quick exit for the the stairs before he gets an even more sore ass than what he already has. Liam watches Louis move quickly out of the room, rubbing a hand down his face in guilt. He didn't mean for it to come out so harsh and rude, he just wanted him out of the way for a little while so that he can figure out the real reason why his mum has appeared out of the blue.

"He's such a nice boy,"Karen smiles, setting the finished mug of coffee onto the table for Liam."Petite, delicate."She adds on. Liam turns slowly on the spot, cladded in clothes that were more laid back for the day that he was having, a pair of jogging bottoms rested on his hips and a hoodie pulled over his shoulders.

"What are you doing here?"He asks again, not getting the answer he was expecting the first time round. The mug of coffee is nudged closer to him and Liam being Liam, a coffee addict, he takes the mug into his hands and gives the coffee a test taste.

"I told you, I came to see my son and his beautiful submissive."Karen smiles, taking a sip of her own coffee."Is it such a crime for a mother to visit her darling son?"She asks, head tilted w little in question as she looks over at her son, admiring how handsome he has gotten since the last time she had saw him.

"Well yes, seeing as the last time the mother saw her darling son was over 4 years ago."Liams voice is full of venom, anger expressed in his voice. He remains looking as calm as he can, being able to mask his emotions after years of practice, his brown eyes showing coldness and face stone cold.

Liam never had a good relationship with any of his family, yes, he interacted with them, has those moments where he actually felt like he was wanted when he bounded with his sisters and mum over their likeness of cooking, but he never felt wanted when in their company. Karen and his older sisters had a special bond, being submissives and females at that they had a bond that Liam couldn't interfere with and it made him feel left out, not needed.

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