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So instead of rewriting chapter Three and chapter Six,I decided to just delete them since they didn't really hold a lot of important information but for those that have read those chai tears before this mishap,you'll know so,e things about Nick,Louis' fear(s) and Louis having anxiety and ADHD

(Also Liam was a major manwhore)

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Louis doesn't exactly like change,it took him awhile even to settle into his and Zayns apartment after living with his mother for 17 years.He can't sleep whenever he's in new surroundings and he would've wondered around the small apartment,make himself tea and toast as he would read a book or watch something on Netflix.Zayn would've found him wide away at 6 in the morning rereading the Lord of the Rings trilogy or Doing algebra just because he was bored and he finds it fun sometimes.Now he was moving,again,living with someone else he barely knows and probably across town in a house and not in a dingy apartment that's too small.

Louis had all of his belongings packed up in suitcases and boxes.He knew he wouldn't need any furniture since Liam had said in an email that he would only need most of his clothes,electronics, toiletries and any Personal stuff such as photos or a stuffed toy or knitted blanket he has had since he was a baby.He didn't I so what to wear as he waited for Liam to come and pick him up,so he threw on a pair of black skinny jeans,a maroon jumper and maroon puma Suedes.It was one of my favourite pairs of shoes,other than his checkered slip on vans that he had packed away in his box.He only did own three pairs of shoes.

"This room looks so empty,"Zayn whispers as he leans his body in the doorway of Louis' bedroom,the smaller boy to busy moving the last small box onto his bed.The box contained what he had for jewellery,it was really only a couple of necklaces and bracelets that Louis has collected from car boot sales and outlet shops but they were all still pretty and we're all meaningful to the Doncaster lad.

"Yeah,"Louis nods his head in agreement,a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he looks around his now going to be old bedroom."It's so weird,the walls are so bare and without posters or photo frames..."Louis trails off as he does a full 360 degree circle on the spot to look around the room at the bare white walls and at all of the packed up boxes and suitcases.He pushes up the glasses that were sliding off of his nose and looks over at Zayn with a small smile and a shrug of his shoulders."Oh well,"

"I'm gonna be all by myself,"Zayn pouts and Louis rolls his eyes in mimic.

"Yeah for another 12 days,Not even that.Then you'll be getting your own Dom and you two shall live forever in perfect harmony,"He flutters his eyelashes and makes his voice a higher pitch just to annoy Zayn who is too busy mopping that Louis is moving out and he'll be by his self.Louis would rather stay in the apartment so that he doesn't have to live in new surroundings and be his awkward and anxiety withered self.It hurts his head whenever new information is pumped into him which would explain why he rereads books Instead of reading new ones or sticks by science and Mathematics instead of doing other lessons.

"Now,hurry up and help me move these boxes to the front hall so that Liam doesn't have to walk all the way in here to help me move these boxes,"Louis huffs,already turning around to bend down and pick up one of the larger boxes that holds some graphic Tees and jeans.

"That's Daddy to you,"Louis and Zayn both jump and turn around at the booming voice that came from the hallway.Louis' breath catches in his throat at how stunning and attractive Liam looks standing in the small and narrow hallway of the apartment.He is dressed up in a black three piece suit,his blazer buttoned up and his shirt white,longer sleeves.His tie matches the colour of his suit and his hair is styled professionally with product to make it better.

Louis is sure that Liam must've been at some important meeting before he arrived here because that suit looks hella' expensive just to help move boxes

"Uh-Um,"Louis is trying to form words,the headache he had recently gotten rid off (after downing more pain killers than he actually should) is now creeping back and he wants to go to sleep but he has Liam standing in a freaking suit in front of him,then the effort of moving boxes and going to a new and strange surrounding and last of all very important questions to ask Liam to do with his health."Y-you're early."He finally blurts out,and really he should be asking how he got into the apartment because the last time Louis checked the door was locked.

"I'm actually late,"Liam informs the younger boy who pushes his glasses up his nose.Liam lifts his arm up in the air,the action making his left sleeve shuffle down just enough for both Zayn and Louis to spot the solid gold Rolex that's secured around his wrist.Zayn gawks at the watch,he knows from having his face pressed up against jewellers windows his much one of those costs and he wants it."By Twenty minutes,I apologise traffic was horrendous and my...Meeting dragged on a tad longer than I hoped it would."He gives Louis a warm smile.

"I-I didn't notice actually,I thought it was only...Doesn't matter now anyway,"Louis laughs awkwardly a little,"Would you like some tea?Or coffee?Or shall I just move my belongings now and get everything over and done with?"he is already bending over to pick up another box when he is stopped by a hand on his lower back.

"A princess shouldn't be lifting boxes,"Liam tuts and shakes his head,watching as Louis gently sets than back down onto the floor and stands up Straight.Louis is already blushing at the nickname as he takes slow steps away from the boxes."I have men to take these,Waiting outside.I'll go get them and you and Zayn make some tea and coffee for yourselves and I."Liam pressed a soft Kiss to Louis' temple,giving Zayn a curtly nod as he exits the room to go and get the men to lift the boxes and put them into the mini van that Liam is using to transport Louis' stuff.

"Horrendous?Who on earth uses that word?His men?He has men to do his stuff for him,"The Bradford lad wolf whistles as he drags his best friend out of the room before Liams 'men' appear."I wonder if they are hot?Well judging on every other friend your Dom has,I bet they are smokin'"

"This doesn't feel real,"Louis confesses as he hops on top of counter in the kitchen,kicking his feet lazily which make the heels of his feet hit the cupboards below which chase an obnoxious banging noise to echo through the apartment.He shakes his head at Zayns offer for a cup of tea and continues speaking;"What if I panic when I arrive at his house?And he doesn't know what to do?"Louis panics a little already,only calming when Zayn rests his hand on Louis' cheek.

"Babe,you will be okay,alright?Just do as we have talked out and give him the bag whenever you settle in and tel, him to read the note.Deep breaths,"He breathes in and out,making Louis copy his actions and for the raven haired lad smile."There you go,if you feel panicked do what I just did and you will be fine."

"B-but you always calm me down and you won't be there and this is not a good idea-"Louis starts to hyperventilate again,Zayn remaining as calm as possible as he focuses on getting Louis' breathing back on track.He knows how hard it must be for Louis,having to go through this but Liam wants him to move in,it's one of the laws actually that a sub must remain under the same roof as their Dom.

"I'll give Liam my number or something to call me incase things get too out of hand.In other cases you're just gonna have to take your medication,even your breathing and rely on Liam to calm you Down.I'm always just gonna be a phone call away."

"Thanks Zaynie,"Louis smiles,and lets Zayn peck his forehead and then pull the younger to his chest for a hug.

One last hug before Louis' life was gonna change

I was going to write more,I really was but like Les Miserables is on now and it's a good distraction for me

I was gonna write Louis going into Liams house and shit but I'll do that in the next chapter


I kmow this was boring but there is important detail in this and in the next there will be more and then I WILL WRITE SMUT OKAY





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