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This is *nonedited because I'm lazy and tired and also writing petite at the moment

I'm going to leave this photo here and give y'all lady boners (or boners in general for those with dicks)

Shuffling out of the bedroom with yesterday's clothes still on and wrinkled,a blanket draped around his shoulders and holding a bucket to his chest,Louis let his tired and bloodshot eyes scan the living room in search for Zayn.He had woken up with the familiar feeling of bile and vomit coming from his stomach and up his throat,he was lucky that he was quick in that department and was able to throw up over the side of his bed and not over himself or on his bed covers.It was only after he threw up onto his floor that he noticed he bucket,which he grabbed for the second round of throwing up his guts.

"Zaynie?"He whimpered,bottom lip wobbling,an arm still wrapped around the bucket while his other hand rubbed at his eyes to get rid of any sleep.He was struggling to keep his eyes open,he had shuffled from his bedroom to the Livingroom with only one eye open as he couldn't open the other.Pouting,Louis gave another glance around the room and then turned around to shuffle down the hall and to knock on Zayns bedroom door.He doesn't remember coming home,he remembers sitting beside Liam and drinking some strawberry flavoured cocktail,and then he blanked out,and then he remembers waking up in some car with an arm wrapped around him and the smell of expensive cologne attacking his nose and then everything after that was a haze.

Not bothering to knock on Zayns bedroom door,the smaller lad opened the door and shuffled into the room,eyes still coated in sleep and head still a pulsing sore that it made him whimper everytime he moved his eyes too quickly.The Bradford lad was still out cold,it wasn't unusual since he could probably sleep through a thunderstorm which Louis was terrified of and needed Zayn to help him through it.Making his way up from the bottom end of the bed,Louis held onto the corner of his blanket and crawled under the covers until he reached the top of the bed,his face levelled with Zayns neck.

"Zaynie?Are you awake?"He whispers,hot breath fanning onto Zayns face making him scrunch it up in slight disgust at the smell of reappearing alcohol which wasn't at all a pleasant stench nor something that he wanted to be woken up by.Louis poked at Zayns cheek with his index finger,another whine escaping his lips when the boy didn't budge or flinch."My tummy is sore,"he complains and then resorts to just shuffling until his face in Zayns neck and nips at the delicate skin making the darker skinned boy yelp in pain.

"What the fück Lou!"He swore loudly,Louis flinching at the intense loudness of his best mates voice.Although,Zayns voice was laced with thick sleep and his eyes were still close,Louis didn't have time to admire the sexiness of his morning voice since Zayn was too busy swearing at him and having a hand to his neck were Louis has nipped him."Why in gods name did you do that?"He hisses, pushing Louis away from his naked chest making the smaller boy fall off the edge of the bed and land on his back,whacking his head off of the wooden flooring which didn't exactly help his headache.

"I was sick on my floor,and my tummy and head hurt."Louis informs Zayn who is still swearing under his breath when he notices that Louis actually drew blood with those sharp teeth of his.Louis has curled in on himself,his bucket that he throws up in at the end of the bed and his head more sore than ever now the he has hit it off if the floor."I'm sorry,I didn't mean to hurt you Zaynie."Louis was always soft and cuddly when he was sick or hungover,using the name Zaynie more than often when he was in this state.

"Aw okay,look I'm sorry."Zayn caves in,now leaning over the edge of his bed and rubbing a hand up and down Louis' back,now feeling guilty for pushing him off of the bed when all he wanted was to tell Zayn he has sick and hungover.He was quick to recovering of his own pain in his neck and moving Louis from the floor to be tucked into Zayns bed,handing him his bucket for the mean time until he could clean up the mess,get him painkillers and some tea (oh and also a new bucket).

"I still have my clothes on,"Louis whispers,his knees up to his body so that his thighs are holding the puke bucket to his chest so it was easier to throw up.His head was still a pus,img sore but his throwing up had disappeared as soon as it came.Zayn had cleaned up Louis' bedroom floor and was now coming into the room with a glass of water and two pain killers.

"Yes,I see that."Zayn grumbles with a raised eyebrow,handing Louis the pain killers and water he had found on his bedside table when in Louis' bedroom,it was obvious that Liam has left them there,along with the bucket.That doesn't Mean that Zayn dislikes him any less.Louis takes the medication like usual,it was the same when he had to take his other medication although these were to stop a headache not to calm him down and form jumping off of walls.

"That means me and Liam didn't have sex,"Louis whispers in a sort of daze,his eyebrows scrunched in the middle of his forehead.The Doncaster lad honestly thought that Liam would've been one of those to use him for sex at the first opportunity,like C'mon,Louis was drunk outta his mind and it was only them two alone in the apartment.That was a golden opportunity to do whatever with Louis.

"Well what I hear from what Liam texted Harry was that you demanded to be fûcked and Liam denied for the fact that you were pissed.You also tried stripping and failed."Zayn tells Louis what he was told by Harry when he was getting dropped home last night.He thought that he wasn't going to enjoy last night when in reality he really did and even shared a New Years kiss with Harry.For the most part of the night it was fun,in other parts it wasn't such as when Louis was being sloppy.

"Oh god,"Louis groans,his smaller hands covering his hands at the embarrassment."What else did I do or say?"He whimpers,not really wanting to know but at the same time he does.

"Lets rewind to last night,shall we?"Zayn smirks,sitting on the edge of the bed,still dressed in only a pair of boxers with the clothing he wore last night scattered and thrown around his bedroom.He wasn't drunk drunk,he can remember everything he did last night and more but he knew he was slurring and stumbling a lot last night since he had bruises on his arms from where he had bumped into things last night."You started off with a simple cocktail,yeah?Being awkward as fûck,practically drooling over that Aussie dude Ashton and being jealous of his Irish sub Niall.You ended up drinking 5 cocktails in the end,which resorted to you calling Liam pretty every 5 minutes,wondering what rainbows taste like,why marshmallows are called what they are,wondering if you can fit your fist in your mouth and you also kept calling Liam Daddy."

"Oh fûck,fûckity fûck!"Louis swore with a number of different groans as he rolled his head back to look at the ceiling pinching the bridge of his nose.He breathed heavily,he couldn't believe that he did all that,which was downright embarrassing in his case Since he is portrayed as being a some what genius and here he was making a fool of himself in front of Liam-a his Dom.

"That was a lot of 'effing,"Zayn commented,still chunking at last nights memories,you'd think even common sense would tell a drunk Louis that it's impossible to fit your own fist into your mouth unless you were some sort of circus freak."Oh!On the bright side you have until like 4 until Liam is coming to pick you up and you're moving out."

"How long until then?"

"Well it's 10 now so 6 hours.Go back to sleep for awhile and I'll make you some Mac n' cheese."Zayn smiles with a small sigh,taking the bucket out of Louis' hands and setting it on the bedside table just in case the boy is going to puke from hangover round two,He helps him lie down and tucks the blankets around him.

"With the little bacon bits?"Louis asks.

"Yes Louis."Zayn chuckles.

"And extra cheese sprinkled on top when you've dished it up?"

"Louis,I know how to make your favourite food,I've lived with you for years."

"Just making sure..."

HEY GUYS I honestly had no clue how to need this chapter so you got this crappy ending ;)

I liked the start of this chapter to be honest,thought it was cute with hung over Louis and all

Louis will move in soon enough,you will get your spanked Louis and fucked Louis





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