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So very close to 3K VOTES OF MY LAWD

Photo- Niall and Ashton's Pairing Tattoo

This is a filler chapter BC I lack updates on this and I know that I do

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"Wow mate you look exhausted,"Niall comments whenever he strides through the house and spots Louis curled up on the sofa watching television. He runs a hand up Louis' side when he passes the back of the sofa, smiling when he sees Louis shiver and to hear him whine at the ticklish feeling. He rounds the sofa, dumping a bag on the coffee table before he plops himself down onto the same sofa as Louis, moving the younger lads legs so that they were rested on his lap.

Louis had learned whenever he had met Niall that he was a touchy feely guy that had no personal space boundaries. He had learned the hard way whenever he kept getting gripped by Niall, or when the Irish man laughed he would put his hands on Louis' shoulders, or laugh or talk close to his ears and that one where he leans over you when he's talking to someone who sits beside you.

Louis didn't mind it all that much, when he was around Liam it was fine because he was close to someone he knew but being alone with Niall kinda scared him.

"Maybe it's because I can't sleep Niall."The Doncaster Twink mutters into the couch cushion, not really up on having a conversation. Liam told him that Niall was coming to visit while Liam worked in his office with Ashton. Louis didn't seem all that bothered that morning when he was told, mainly because he wasn't listening and was instead messaging Zayn but now he was bothered. Due to his lack of sleep, his sleep pattern has been all off and he's grumpy, lazy, and he doesn't want to socialise.

"Why can't ya' sleep? Shouldn't be all that hard. Close your eyes, lay down and go to sleep."Niall speaks as if it's simple, snatching the remote off of the coffee table and planting his feet up it. He treats the place as if it's his home, it's much like a second or third Home to Niall as he spends alot of time in Liam and Harrys home.

"If it was that easy don't you think that I would be able to do that?"Louis snaps, lifting his head up off of sofa to glare at the fake blonde, feeling incredibly irritated due to the fact that he wants to relax, alone, he wants to watch television, alone and he wants to be fucking alone! He wishes that Whatever Liam and Ashton are doing that it happens quick so that Ashton leaves with Niall over his shoulder and then Louis can just cuddle up onto his doms lap and relax.

Louis has been taking his medication, it Doesn't mean that he's any less hyper or doesn't have that touch of anxiety rush through him when he's left alone in an unfamiliar place, but it has made him stable. The second night after his first punishment he had locked himself in the bathroom at sometime around 2am in the verge of a panic attack, phoning Zayn in tears and in panic for him to help him. It had taken Zayn an hour to calm him down, and after that Louis resorted to wondering about the house in which Harry found him napping in the kitchen at 5am.

"Whoa, don't get all snappy at me just because you can't get to sleep shorty."Niall doesn't even sound mad and it bothers Louis, the guy is literally brushing him off his shoulder, switching the channel to the latest football game, a smile on his face when he notices that his team is one up the opposite. It's as if he Doesn't care, he's that chilled and laid back that he just doesn't care.

"Don't call me shorty,"Louis grumbles and is kicking his feet out of Nialls lap, curling his legs up close to his bum so that He wasn't touching Niall whatsoever."Only Zayn can call me Shorty."He adds and then huffs, watching as the footballers run across the green pitch. Zayn had started calling Louis shorty way back when they were younger.

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