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This chapter is basically just Zouis and ranging and outrageous mood swings and lectures so like I'm sorry aha

"I'm fine,"Is all Louis replies with, his arm linked with Zayns as they walk down the hallway of college. He rests his head on Zayns shoulder as they walk, shoes slapping against the ground as they both walk and backpacks on their backs. They had just finished their last class of the day after being off for nearly 3 weeks. Louis was doing a lot better, and really he should be kind of thankful to His attack as since it has happened he and Liam have grown a lot closer.

"You're not fine, you're shaking right now."Zayn stresses, feeling his bestfriends arm shake and seeing his figure shake as well. Louis decided against telling Zayn about his attack, thinking that it'll be better if he didn't know so that maybe Liam could deal with the aftershock of the attack.

It worked, kind of.

Liam was just as freaked out and frightened as Louis was, having to stop all play and then try and calm Louis down as well.

He had managed that, wiped the whole building clear of people before he carried Louis to the car with Luke and Robin in front of them on the look out and to open doors. Robin apologised to  Louis for not spotting the signs earlier and Louis just smiled and tells him he's fine and its normal. Once home, Liam had ran the sub a nice bath to calm down and happily took a bath with him to calm down both of their nerves.

"Maybe because it's January and we live in the UK and it's fucking freezing?" Louis makes that 'brrr' sound with his lips and chatters his teeth to prove his point, one of the doors of the classrooms opening up which makes his hair blow out of style.

"Stop making up accuses, come to mine for a day or two-"

"Take a chill pill Malik, it was 3 days ago, I am fine, we are fine, the world is not ending, I am not dying."Louis repeats the same words that he uses whenever he is having or after an attack. Louis hates the sympathy looks that Zayn gives him, or how he acts or speaks to him when he's maybe upset, it was annoying and he didn't need it. He was a grown 19 year old that knew how to take care of himself (not really but he liked to tell people that he was able to).

"Oh please, you're my bestfriend and I know when something is not right with yo-"

"I swear to god! You're not my mother so sod off." The Twink snaps, ripping his arm away from Zayns as if he had just touched lava. Louis speed walks away from Zayn who huffs at how over dramatic Louis was being. Louis' purple and white backpack hands low, hitting off the top of his bum with every sharp step he takes away from Zayn, skipping down the stairs at a quick space with Zayn following.

"Not that your mother would care,"Zayn calls, Louis almost stopping to defend his mum, but it was true, she wouldn't care if Louis got hit by a truck and died, she didn't care that her Eldest child graduated High school at 15 and left home the same year. She didn't care her son was a genius that was capable of curing cancer or being the next Albert Einstein. Louis was a disappointment of a son, he wasn't a Dom like his mother wanted and so Jay didn't care for him.

"I can't argue with that, whatever."Louis rolls his blue eyes in defeat, sighing loudly and stopping so that Zayn can catch up with him."I'm sorry, 'Kay?"The 19 year old sighs and Zayn just chuckles fondly, kissing his temple in the loving bestfriend way that could be mistaken as a relationship but they are 100% not dating okay, never have and can never will because they are subs and Louis is with Liam but whatever.

The smaller nods his head, sighing deeply and resting his forehead on Zayns shoulder as the Raven haired man embraced him into a tight hug."I think I really scared him Zee, I don't even care for myself, I just care that I scared Liam with that attack. Why can't I control them?"He whimpers, voice muffled by the fact he has his lips pressed to Zayns jacket, arms wrapping around his neck to keep the hug intact. Louis really didn't care if others were looking and whispering, he needed the comfort of his bestfriend.

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