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Half Zarry, Half Nashton

Zayn hates kneeling, his knees ache, there's a stiff in his neck and he can't hold his balance even if his life depended on it. He sways from side to side, head still bowed, hands coming to place to his sides with his fingers just barely touching the floorboards of Harry's office.

It makes him feel...guilty. He's forced to kneel beside Harry's desk, head bowed, exposed since this was part of the deal. He has nothing to occupy himself with which means he's practically forced to think about what he done, what bad action or saying he has done Which ended him up in this position. The guilt eats at him the more he thinks about it, he didn't mean to type what he did, especially now when he thinks back to the text it did come out rather bad.

"...Zayn,"The Pakistani boy jumps at the sound of his name, peering up at Harry through thick eyelashes. Harry's voice is so deep, so smooth but so rough at the same time that it does straight to Zayns member. The way that Harry speaks to Zayn makes his whole body tingle, it's just something about the man and his voice that makes Zayn feel like he'

Harry says nothing more, Zayn not daring to utter a word. A large hand runs through long curls in a slow action, everything that Harry does is slow, so painfully slow. Zayn watches as the man pushes his chair back, laptop lid closed shut and papers to the side of the desk; Harry pats his lap indicting for the submissive to sit on his lap, aware of Zayns peering eyes.

Zayn is a rebellion, sure, but the look on Harry's face, that invitation to snuggle on his lap and just the sheer knowledge that Harry is probably a little less passed off at him makes Zayn scramble onto his dominates lap eagerly.

"Now, Zayn-"

"I'm sorry Daddy!"Zayn is already blurting out, voice high in apology and hands on Harry's broad, so very broad shoulders. He has a leg on either side of Harry's thighs, straddling the man who has large hands on thin hips, his thumb rubbing over Zayns prodding hipbones in a relaxing manner.

"What are you sorry for?"Harry presses, voice not changing from how smooth it is, slow and smooth.

"F-for being cheeky to Louis through Text messages,"Zayn gulps, not meeting Harry's eyes. Harry is pinching the naked skin of Zayns hips, making him squeak into attention once again."And for cussing at you, a-Also for denying that I cussed and sent those messages."Zayn bows his head on his own accord, looking down at his naked lap.

Harry sighs, rubbing his hands up and down Zayns darker skin, Zayn melting at the touch because it feels so good on his tense Body and Harry's hands are so warm and soft."I'm really sorry Daddy,"Zayn repeats his words, voice quieter, a lot more submissive and vulnerable than he'd like to admit.

"Okay, Baby. Okay."Harry soothes, pressing his lips softly to Zayns neck, lips soft and delicate as he leaves countless numbers of kisses to Zayns skin. Zayn melts at the soft touch, goosebumps appearing on his skin as Harry moves for his hands to rest on the curve of Zayns bum, just resting them there as he kisses Zayns neck and throat softly.

The submissive lets his eyes flutter close as he enjoys the feeling on being kissed. He's been kissed before, he has kissed people before but nothing was ever as soft as Harry's, how he was kissing him like Zayn meant something to him, he wasn't just being used for sex. Without a warning, Harry is pressing his plump lips to Zayns in a kiss that catches Zayn off guard.

"You're my good boy, aren't you? My good little boy."Harry mumbles against lips, moving slowly in sync. Zayn whines at his words, shaking all over as he grips onto Harrys shoulders, keeping his lips to Harry's because he doesn't want this kiss to end nor the soft touches.

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