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Okay sorry for the really shît last chapter, It was basically just a filler chapter of Boredom and it shows how disliked it was with the lack of comments and votes so I hope this one makes up for it

Thank you for getting me over 100K views

Best comment gets a dedication

"Princess, are you home?"Liams voice calls throughout the house, the Sound of the door closing behind him. There's a pause in which Liam chucks his house keys into a key bowl by the door and then there's a sound of s stumble and swears which means that Liam has just tripped over the pair of vans that Louis had kicked off when he and Zayn walked into the house after university."Louis Tomlinson what did I say about leaving your shoes at the door?"Louis grumbles more to himself but it's loud enough for Louis to hear.

The boy of question perks his head up from where he is seated on the bed in their bedroom, laptop perched on his Crisscrossed legs, papers surrounding him in a circle and his glasses perched on his nose. Louis is dressed in sweats and a large hoodie with the hood pulled over Louis' head, he looks so warm and comfy but honestly feels like a slob.

"In the bedroom!"He shouts back and goes back to his typing, his fingers dancing over the keyboard of the new laptop that Liam had bought for him after Louis' old one literally fell apart key by key and ended with the actual screen coming off.

Louis listens as Liam walks up the stairs 2 at a time, the house already being very silent since He and Zayn came in from university. Zayn had came home and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow of his and Harrys bed, while Louis had peppermint Tea waiting for him (as requested that morning) to take up to the bedroom so he can do his research for university.

His back hurts from being hunched over for the two hours that he has been typing on his computer and scribbling down on pages for his notes so he can actually shove the notes I'm his professors faces to show that he does not cheat. Some of those that teach him don't believe believe in his high IQ.

"Better not be doing anything that'll cause a punishment baby boy."Louis can hear the smirk in Liams voice, and Louis knows that the dominate is hoping Louis is dressed in some kinky piece of clothing and waiting patiently on the bed for Louis to come and take advantage of him. The Twink laughs to himself as he types faster, hearing the bedroom door click open and Liam sigh at the mess of Louis in his 'studying faze'.

His studying faze actually way worse and consists of Louis going without showering for 4 days, loving in the same clothing for 2 days until it practically walks off his body in filth and living off coffee and junk food until the final day of exams.

"How long have you been like that?"Liam asks as he pulls down the hood that Louis is wearing, pressing a kiss to Louis' forehead when he realise that the submissive wasn't going to look up to accept a kiss on the lips.

"Couple of Hours,"Louis replies bluntly and just when he's about to start a new line the laptop in his hands is being snatched away by Liam And the lid is being closed shut."I need that! I didn't save that file!"Louis shouts, falling off the bed when he tries to scramble to his feet to grab the laptop off of Liam.

"No more computers for you, your eyes are starting to lose focus and you're getting disorientated."Liam sets the laptop ontop of the dresser as Louis huffs and sits on his bum on the floor by the bed. He looks like a toddler whose favourite toy has just been taken away from him, bottom lip pouted out and eyebrows threaded to meet in the middle as he attempts to glare at Liam.

The Dominate ignores Louis' look as he sits down on the bed so his back is against the headboard and his legs are spread wide enough for Louis to sit between them. Louis looks up when he hears the clicking of Liams fingers, peering over the bed to see that Liam is looking at him and patting the space between his legs for Louis to slot into. Louis follows the silent orders and Scoots back so he's siting on the bed.

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