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"Daddy!"Louis is shouting throughout the house, storming around the large house bored and cranky and really all he wants its to be held and kissed and cuddled or given attention. Yeah, attention, he wants attention right now and he's not at all getting it from his daddy because work seems to be far more important than Louis.

He was sent home from college after having a tummy ache, and even at that Liam didn't come to pick him up and instead scent Declan to. Louis was mad at Liam for that, he was hoping that Liam would come and pick him up and maybe give him a kiss, and bring him home and tuck him up on the sofa or give him soup, not that Louis would openly ask for that since he hated to ask for things.

Instead, Declan picked him up, and he was told not to go and bother Liam by one of the housekeepers and then the chef that seems to hate Louis' guts made him soup that tasted like he bathed in it but he had to eat it because Jackie was told by Liam to monitor Louis as he eats to make sure that he does.

He's bored, he has been Home for two ours now, ate soup that he didn't really want to, watched crappy day time television and did all types of coursework and homework that he needed to do. Liam has seemed to be up in his office all day, he was in there all morning whenever Louis was leaving for college and now all afternoon, he must be tensed, and lonely, and maybe Louis should be his cute and strangely generous self and go and treat him with attention.

"Daddy, I'm bored."Louis exclaims loudly with a pout on his lips, opening the door of the office without knocking or sparing a second thought of what could be behind the door. It's not as if he's going to open the door and there's someone else in the room, or that there's a girl or something, no one has came into the house all day so he knows that Liam is alone, and Working.

God Louis hates that word, he can't stand the thought of having a job and working. It was one of the reasons why he was so glad that he was a science and maths genius, there was no way in hell he was going to end up in some office job, being a scientist was a cool job, he would be able to blow stuff up in labs if he had the right chemicals and if he wanted to, but he'd rather be one that focused on cures for illnesses if anything.

Alt thought he can't really say that Liams job was boring, dangerous if anything, he was in charge of a gang, he was a gang leader with guns in the secret room to the side of his office and able to have mass amounts of drugs in his hand whenever he pleases. He kills people, Louis still couldn't get his head around that but it seems he has to live with the fact that whenever someone doesn't pay a fee that Liam and his gang has borrowed out, that the guy could either end up cripple for the rest of his life or found dead in some ditch.

Liam grunts in surprise, slamming the lid of his Laptop close with such force that Louis is sure that the screen of the laptop is now smashed. Louis gasps a little at the sound and the quick actions, wide eyes watching as Liam fiddles under the desk before clearing his throat, hard eyes glaring across the room at Louis.

"What do you want? I'm busy."He speaks, his voice so unusually gruff and his pupils dilated. Louis knows that look, he's seen it so many times whenever he's walked into Zayns room whenever he's in the middle of getting himself on. Louis was never one to knock on the door, it got him into awkward situations in the past, and then he really didn't know what to do with himself and instead just finds himself standing awkwardly in the doorframe and asking Zayn to make him Mac'n'Cheese.

"I'm bored,"Louis whines again, cheeks flushing pink and eyelashes fluttering. He steps into the room uninvited, closing the door behind him and taking small, teasing steps. Louis isn't wearing socks so his feet are bare and his shoes were flung across the livingroom and picked up by some maid who glared at the boy. Louis was quickly becoming disliked by the staff due to his untidiness.

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