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Louis was a light weight,he would never admit it to anyone but even just one glass of wine made him sorta tipsy and all giggly.That's what happens when there's alcohol in his System,he becomes a talkative,gibberish,giggly mess who will laugh your ear off and talk about the most random crap on earth.Yet he was very funny while drunk,he was great crack to be around which is how he sometimes gets used and abused while under the influence of alcohol.They know that they can do anything with Louis whiles he's drunk and Zayn is nowhere in sight,so that take advantage of that.The boy had no control of what he did while drunk,or what he said at that.

So really,Louis was going to refuse taking the glass of wine that Liam Offered him but he didn't want to be rude,I mean it was his new Dom sitting across the table from him with a genuine smile on his face and a menu opened in front of him.So of course Louis took the offer of the fairly expensive wine,clinked his own glass with Liam's and then proceed on drinking.To say he was a little tipsy after fi sighing his glass was a right guess,he tried his hardest not to show Liam that he was and it was sorta working.

"So,what are you studying in University,Louis?"Liam asked,twirling some food around on his fork before placing it into his mouth and chewing slowly.Louis looked up from his own plate,a trail of tomato purée from his lip and down his chin making Liam chuckle lowly.He dabbed the edge of his napkin into the glass of water there was for each of them and brought it up to Louis' bottom lip and chin,slowly wiping away the discarded food on his face.Louis blushed scarlet at the small action and also out of embarrassment,crossing his feet at the ankles below the table.

"Uh-Um At the moment I am just lazing around and doing the basics,I want to work for NASA but there's so much work and I'm sorta lazy.So at the moment I'm just doing advanced classes and a little bit of Photography at the side.It only takes up a year anyway."Louis shrugs and takes a sip of his glass of water deciding against drinking any more wine so he doesn't make a fool out of himself in front of Liam.

"But you have a scholarship?I thought you'd ought to be a nerd of some sort to have that,"Liam raises an eyebrow in question as Louis resorts to moving his food around the plate with his fork like a child who is bored."Stop playing with your food and eat."Liam orders when he notices what Louis is doing.Without a second thought Louis is siting up straighter (even if Liam her commented he felt as if he was slouching) and ate some of his food,wiping his mouth with his napkin afterwards,"Good boy,"He praised making Louis smile.

"Well,yes I am a nerd.When I am wearing my glasses you can obviously tell that I am."Louis giggles,"Somewhere in my IQ results I am thought to be a maths and science genius.The highest in the UK for someone my age apparently and due to my mother unable to pay for my classes,the University gave me a scholarship."Louis beams,kind of proud of himself when he talked about his intelligence in Mathematics and science.He found it fun while most hated it,evening during primary school he was more advanced and it wasn't until Secondary school where he was doing course work 3 years ahead of what he should be,was when people started to notice.His mum never cared or realised,she was too busy with her daughters and their private schools than to focus on her Sub of a Son who was a mathematic and science genius.

"Wow,looks like I've got myself a smartie pants for a sub.Cute,Sexy and Smart.The full package."Liam smirked,taking a sip of his wine,letting the rich red liquid swirl in the glass and then as he brought his lips to the glass he took a small sip.It all seemed in slow motion,Louis was memorised at how perfect his Dom was,how he was so tall and muscular,so handsome and smartly dressed.He was a success,while Louis he did have the brains but he didn't know what to do."It's rude to stare,Lovely."Liam pointed out,snapping Louis out of his daydream with a start,making him jump slightly and for his right hand (that was previously playing with a napkin) to flick and hit his glass of wine.

Don't fall,Louis clenched his eyes closed and tensed when he heard the familiar shatter of glass,as the glass of red wine hit the wooden floor of the Italian restaurant that they were in.Of course,Louis' clumsiness had to kick in while he and his Dom were having their first conversation,not to mention an important one that had to do with Louis' education.Opening his eyes,Louis had no choice but to swear when he saw everyone in the restaurant looking at him and for the waiters to give him a pissed off look.

"Oh-Fuck.I'm so sorry,I didn't mean it I swear.You just scared me when you spoke and when I jumped I hit the glass with my hand since it's an natural instinct for me to do that action and you probably hate me now and-fuck that glass looked expressive.I'll pay for it,I mean I'll have to work an extra shift at my side job and maybe borrow money but I'll pay for the broken glass-"

"Louis,calm down.It was an accident,accidents happen.I'm sorry that I scared you and you didn't need to pay for the glass."Liam reassured the boy,seeing how panicky he looked.Reaching over Liam slowly took Louis' smaller and shaking hands into his own and kissed the boys knuckles."See?Everything is fine,I'm not mad because I could've easily done that instead of you."He smiled,and slowly Louis calmed down and closed his eyes shut.He had made a fool out of himself again,in only one night.He wanted to go and crawl into a hole,he felt terrible.

"I'm sorry,"Louis breathed out and eventually opened his eyes to loom into Liam's whose were calm and warm."I will pay you for the glass,I promise."

"No need,I already said-"

"In other ways maybe?"Louis suggested since he knew he didn't have the money to Pay Liam,and of course if he wasn't going to let him Payne with money then Louis could always pay Liam in different ways.Louis was always open to things,and he has also had a glass of wine that might make up for the thought of sexual needs.

"As much as I love that idea Louis,"Liam smirked and paused,his thumb rubbing over the younger lads knuckles."You don't need to pay me back right now,Maybe another night.But right now I'm perfect to just do something with you without anything sexual.We got plenty of time for that sorta stuff,"He smirked and his brown eyes flashed with lust making Louis blush and cross his legs under the table to stop himself from squirming.

"When are we going through the rules?"Louis asked just after their plates were taken away and the mess that Louis made was cleaned up.They had been chatting for awhile,all measly different conversations about things unimportant.Louis had spoke a lot about Zayn,And Liam could tell how fond he was of his best friend and how protective that Zayn sounded while Louis chatted about a time that The Bradford lad punched a dude in the Dick who tried to slip a roofy into Louis' drink.Liam was impressed to say the least.Liam the spoke about his own best friends,mostly Harry and there was a lot of things to be talked about Harry.

"Oh you won't have to worry about them until you move in,Baby."Liam gently smiled and tapped the surface of the table with his fingers on his left hand,his right hand holding Louis' hand."I only have one at the moment that you need to know of."

"And what is that?"He asked curiosity taking over him.

"You gotta call me Daddy."


HOW Y'all doing?

Sorry this took so long to update but I didn't know what to do

So what's your opinion on this chapter?

How jittery Louis is?

Do you think what Liam did was triggering to Louis?




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