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All of your comments make my day, from just small prompts to people actually being pumped up about commenting to get to a goal. Thank you. Oh and I dunno if I've said but I hit 2K followers and I'm like 100(?) votes from 7K votes on Gentleman (:

30 comments for next chapter?

Louis has stopped counting the days of how long he has been stuck in here, in a room where the walls are starting to seem too white for his licking or how the bed covers feel itchy against his skin whenever he goes to lay beneath them. He broke the clock, the one thing in his room that was actually digital, and maybe he should've kept it working but the ticking sound was making him want to claw at his skin.

Louis hates it in here, from the window to the doors, from the bookcase that seems to have the crappiest options of books in the world to the bed covers that are nothing near the softness of the ones he has been sleeping under the past three months. The window just seems to tease him, taunt him with the image of the outside world that Louis cannot escape into without getting a hand print on his ass for escaping.

It wasn't like he couldn't escape, all he needed was something heavy enough to smash the double glazed Windows, but even at that the windows were fucking bulletproof and with that the Twink could already see an image of said object bouncing back and knocking Louis out cold. The thought makes him huff because he had a plan planned out in his head perfectly of his escape and how he'd do that typical movie moment of tying the bedsheets together and scaling down the side of the building until he was on the ground.

However many days he has been engaged like an animal has been too long. Louis is starting to feel claustrophobic, as if the walls are slowly but surely enclosing in on him. Liam was deliberately doing this and the longer this went on the more that Louis was starting to hate Liam for trapping him in here.

Wincing, Louis prods at the hand shaped bruise that has curled around the skin and flesh of his upper left arm. It has bruised into an ugly blue and purple colour, touching it was painful as it was tender and sensitive but that didn't stop Louis' curiosities as he stands in front of the mirror in the bathroom without a top off.

"Ow,"Louis mumbles, face scrunching up in pain. Sighing, Louis slides the oversized jumper back on and starts to search through the cardboards of the bathroom in search for bruising cream and two types of medication that he desperately needs. He normally gets his food at meal times along with a drink to wash down his Medication with, today he has received nothing.

Being locked away from civilisation shouldn't bother Louis as much as it does, He use to spend weeks cooped up in his bedroom binge watching the latest Netflix original television show as he did months worth of course work in a week. This was different, he didn't have a laptop to watch or his binders to write in and he didn't have that odd appearance of Zayn that would check up on him just to make sure that he was still breathing.

He was alone, cut off from socialising with anyone and the longer that he was kept in her the longer that the bubbling anger for his domain the started to build up and up-Until Louis will just explode.

Shutting his eyes tightly, Louis starts to panic. He's getting that feeling again, where he feels like there's a heavy weight on his chest that is keeping him grounded to the floor of the deepest ocean, that every time he opens his mouth water just seeks in. The unfamiliar surroundings of the isolation room is finally getting to him, the lack of communication within people that he knows is making his head turn and for him to curl up into a ball.

He wants Liam

He doesn't want to be left alone in this room


Gentleman⚣Lilo BDSM✔️Where stories live. Discover now