Chapter 1: Welcome To Tokyo

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3rd POV:

Previously Of HOTD: We Have Not Come To This Far To Die Now!

When the four of them were going out on this city alive and they both heard the missile coming from the jet plane and they notice the jet plane is flying past through at them and (Y/N) with the other survivors don't know what was that.

(Y/N) "Oh shit." He said.

Zoe: "W-What are they doing?"

(Y/N): "They drop the missile at the New Orleans city...and they are going to wipe all everything out! HOLD ON!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them.

Here Goes Boom.

When all everything around in the New Orleans city was blowed up and all every zombies were wipe out and some other survivors couldn't made it out...and (Y/N) who was with the three survivors and they both were got shockwave by the explode from nuclear bomb comes from the jet plane release the missile. Then they both flew out of the boat and make them were fall down on the waters and they were lucky to be alive but they are unconscious and knock out by the shockwave of nuclear bomb.

New Orleans was been destroyed by the nuke bomb.









Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "*GASP*" He was gasp out in surprise and make him was wake up and he was breathing and keep breathing out little bit and make him was turn his head to look around and he was notice that he is in the beach and laying down on the sand. Then (Y/N) was turn his head to look up there and he definitely notice this is morning and sun was up there.

(Y/N): "*COUGHING*" He was coughing and coughing out and make him was slowly got up from the sand and he stood up right there and he turn his head to look around and he notice everything around here and looks like different.

(Y/N): "What in the...where am I?" He ask himself and make him heard there was a coughing out comes from someone and make (Y/N) turn his head to look at Zoey who is laying there and coughing out. Then he was walking toward to her and make him get her up from the ground and she is coughing and wake up and she asked (Y/N).

Zoe: "(Y/N)?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm here." He said to her.

Zoe: "What happened?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I think the nuke bomb was drop down on the New Orleans city and all everything was survivors and zombies." He said to Zoe.

Zoe: "Wait, where's Francis and Louis?" She asked (Y/N) and make the two of them were look around and they didn't notice there was Louis and Francis...they didn't seen the two of them and it looks like they were gone and disappeared.

Zoe: "Do you think they-" She tries to said.

(Y/N): "No, they aren't...we got time to searching for them." He said to Zoe and then they were get going right away and (Y/N) notice there was his weapons down there and make him grab his assault rifle and pistol gun with him. When Zoe notice her weapon over there and she had a pistol guns and a submachine gun for what she using it UZI and (Y/N) just chuckle little bit and he said to her.

(Y/N): "That's good for you to use this weapon, huh?" He asked her.

Zoe: "Of course it is." She said to (Y/N) and make him got the backpack with him and then the two of them get out of the beach and make them were start to moving out and they both seen there were bunch of zombies are here and lot of them...and (Y/N) was seen this and make him notice the sign over there and he notice the language word.

Zoe: "What is that?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Zoe, I think I know where we really are...We're in the Tokyo city." He said to Zoe.








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To Be Continued.

HOTD: We Have Not Come This Far To Die Now! (Harem X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now