Chapter 8: The Night Of Living Dead

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3rd POV:

At 10:35 PM Night.

Zoe who was blushing up about (Y/N) having a sex with someone and looks like she just didn't know and unexpected for what she heard of and she just really like (Y/N) and fallen love with him too. Then she decide to ignore later because she got other plan to do is with (Y/N)...she really like the mysterious mercenary codename Ghost...and he was the reason one who put everyone to survive.

When Zoe was heading downstairs and the she look down at the other girls who were sleeping and then she notice one of them who was got drool out from the mouth...the brown short haired girl who was thinking about (Y/N).

Yuuki: "Heh....I wondering how big of (Y/N) really is.~" She muttered herself and this make Zoe blush up and she was shook her head and she going back to get something to eat or drink.

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) had a nightmare in his mind and make him was sleeping on the bed and he was wake up from the bed and he had a nightmare in his head and make him is breathing out little bit and he said.

(Y/N): "Bill....*Sigh* It's not my fault...I should be-*Sigh* Damnit." He said to himself and make him was put his hands on his face and he felt scared and afraid of whatever it is coming to haunt him right now.

(Y/N): "Thank god..." He said to himself and make him was stare down at her and then he was definitely glad that she didn't got turn into something bloodlust like demon or maybe infected zombie. Then (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and make him look down at her and she is sleeping and make him was smile little bit and he grab the blanket and put it on her to covering herself and (Y/N) was smile little bit and he kiss her in the forehead.

(Y/N): "Goodnight, Rei." He said to her and make (Y/N) was slowly got up from the bed and then he grab the combat clothes and dressing up right away and after he was wearing his clothes on and make him just begin to heading out in this house. Then (Y/N) went to the kitchen by himself and that he was definitely sit down on the chair and he saw Saeko who was already awake and she just take the foods out of the kitchen and she just making some foods.

(Y/N): "*Whistle* didn't dress up with your clothes, huh?" He asked her and make her surprise and she turn around and saw (Y/N) who sat there with his hand on his face and make him was chuckle little bit and then she can seen his face had a smirk on his face.

Saeko: "How long you were been sat there?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I sat here was been for a while.~ Whoa you dressing up as bikini when you were cooking huh?" He asked her and make her blushing up little bit and she seen (Y/N) who is definitely handsome and cute but...extremely dangerous man who even slaughtering many enemies by himself...the most top dangerous monster in this world. Then the two of them are talking to each others and they both were just keep talking and until they heard there was a loud gunshot comes from somewhere or maybe outside.

Definitely Takeshi and Kohta heard the gunshot outside there.

Saeko: "What was that?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Gunshot...comes from outside there." He said to her and then they both went out by themselves and they gonna take a look at whatever just make the loud gunshot comes from outside there.

Time Skip Later.

Back to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "What a pathetic fool." He said to himself and he saw there was a fool who carrying a shotgun...double barrel shotgun by himself and run out there and then he tries to shooting his weapon at those zombies and he was definitely having fun to shoot those zombies out there. But until these zombies were tries to take him down and bite with eating him to death...heard the most horrible scream comes from the pathetic fool who tries to kill himself and (Y/N) was shook his head and he said.

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