Chapter 25: Battle The Alpha

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was with the others are facing another round where the horde of zombies came here and then (Y/N) with the others are firing their weapons many zombies who stood on their ways...these motherfuckers are definitely not tough enough to kill (Y/N) and the others. Then (Y/N) with the others notice there were bunch of zombies came the other way by themselves and they both take many of them out already and until (Y/N) notice there was an Alpha monster is appeared here.

(Y/N): "Shit, there he is." He said to them and make them were look at Alpha zombie monster was stood right there by himself and then they both were saw the horde of zombies coming here and they were firing their weapons at those zombies. Then (Y/N) notice this and make him was going to fight these zombies...but out of nowhere interrupted by the Alpha zombie was came down here by himself and he was slammed his claws at (Y/N) but he dodge out of the way and suddenly the claws stabbed down on the ground by himself.

(Y/N): "Alright, just you and me.~" He said and he raise his shotgun Spas12 and shooting at him and make the monster was roar out toward to him.

(Y/N): "COME ON THEN!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to the alpha monster and make the creature charge toward at (Y/N) and here comes the two of them are fighting each others right away and turns out to this thing is tough as hell. Then (Y/N) need tries his best to take this creature down by himself then the creature slash his claws at (Y/N)'s shotgun and make him was throw the two piece of shotgun at the creature in the face and he just jump back away from him and he take his handgun out.

(Y/N): "Alright, let's see how you are going to taste this.~" He said to himself.

(A/N: Imagine Leon as (Y/N) fighting Tyrant as Alpha monster scene.)

When (Y/N) was been grab by Monster alpha was going to kill (Y/N) right away but turns out that others who are helping (Y/N) out too...and they are fighting at the creature with their guns and then (Y/N) was drop out by the creature...and he is land down on the ground and make him is breathing out little bit and he turn his head to look at the Alpha zombie monster is fighting at the others and (Y/N) lost his shotgun but he need another weapon to fight at these zombies.

Then (Y/N) was look over there and he saw a weapon down on the ground and make him notice the weapon was SCAR-H and make him was smirk up and he said.

(Y/N): "Not bad." He said to himself and make him was grab it in his hand and he was holding the assault rifle with his hand.

(Y/N): "Alright, I'm going to kill this son of bitch for what he did!" He said to himself and make him was running up there and he begin to shooting his weapon at the Alpha monster and the creature got many shots behind his back

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(Y/N): "Alright, I'm going to kill this son of bitch for what he did!" He said to himself and make him was running up there and he begin to shooting his weapon at the Alpha monster and the creature got many shots behind his back. When (Y/N) was open firing his weapon at the monster and make the monster was turn around and let out a roar toward to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Over here, motherfucker!!!!!!" He shout out and make him was open firing his weapon at the monster by himself.

Then (Y/N) with the group of survivors are shooting their weapons at the monster and they both are going to take them down by themselves and then they were open firing their weapons for everything that they got

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Then (Y/N) with the group of survivors are shooting their weapons at the monster and they both are going to take them down by themselves and then they were open firing their weapons for everything that they got...and the creature is finally down and make (Y/N) with the others were let out their breath and they both are tired for fighting at the creature and it seems the monster was finally down.

Coach: "Whoa, that thing is pretty tough as hell." He said to them.

(Y/N): "Yep, this is why we need to work together and we can fight them by ourselves." He said to Coach and make them nod their heads and they heard the horde of zombies coming here and make them notice it and then they both got their weapons out and make them readying to fight.

Then they both just take many zombies down by themselves and when they both were keep killing these zombies up with their weapons.

To Be Continued.

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