Chapter 10: The Horde & Tank

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) was sleeping in the Humvee vehicle and make him was sat there and chilling by himself and he just felt tired for going through and (Y/N) was put the mask away and let his face to show up and make (Y/N) was yawn out little bit and he just opened his eyes out. Then (Y/N) just take a closer to look outside of the window from the vehicle Humvee and he notice there was a sun coming right up over there and looks like bright as hell and make (Y/N) seen this just perfect.

(Y/N): "*Chuckle* Looks like we're in the morning now." He said to himself.

(Y/N) turn his head to look and he felt someone else was sleeping beside with him and make him saw Rei who was sleeping next to him when she put her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder and as for Saeko who was laying on (Y/N)'s lap. Then (Y/N) notice this...that isn't good...and make (Y/N) sigh out little bit and he didn't like this once and for all and then (Y/N) look at the others who were sleeping as well and they both surely tired as well.

(Y/N): "Hehe, looks like I'm the one who get them alive." He said to himself.

Naomi and Zoe were sleeping but Zoe who was cling her weapon and make sure that she doesn't like any zombies or someone else tries to interrupted her. Then (Y/N) was sigh little bit and he heard the groans comes from the others are awake right now and they both were definitely awake as hell.

(Y/N): "Well, morning to all of you." He said to them and make them were responded back to the mercenary with a wave and morning and this is good for them and they both were in the Humvee vehicle car still going. Then Shizuka who was drink a lot of coffee for this morning and she was pretty much awake right now and she just need to make sure that she can keep driving and not fallen into sleep.

(Y/N): "Alright, everybody...let's take you guys to the river right away and ladies need to dress up." He said to them and make them were nod their heads. When they both were heading out to somewhere and looks like there was a river over there and make the others stepped out of the vehicle and (Y/N) was with the boys who were stood right there and stare at the Tokyo city and looks like all everything was smokes and chaos around here.

(Y/N): "Everything is become chaos." He said to himself and he was smoke the cigarette little bit.

" He said to himself and he was smoke the cigarette little bit

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Kohta: "Umm, mister...I don't think smoke cigarette will be bad idea-" He tries to said.

(Y/N): "Boy, I am an adult...I can smoke whatever I you two watching the new right?" He asked the two of them and make them were nod their heads and they tell (Y/N) the truth about the bridge and this make (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and he begin to smoke again.

so you two watching the new right?" He asked the two of them and make them were nod their heads and they tell (Y/N) the truth about the bridge and this make (Y/N) was sigh out little bit and he begin to smoke again

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