Chapter 23: The Hospital

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) with the others are moving out to somewhere else in this world and they both just tries their best to survive and they heard the new from Rika about there is a chopper up there and this is the only way to get there and make (Y/N) with the others were walking out to the hospital. 

Their vehicles were driving up there fast as they could...but thanks for Tanks came out of nowhere and they destroy their vehicles. This pisses (Y/N) off about these Tanks destroy everything and (Y/N) with others just take many of them down by themselves and take these tanks for what they were tries to destroy (Y/N) and others.

The hospital was far few miles away and make (Y/N) with others need to take a long walk for up there and they can see there were bunch of zombies up there and make them are fighting at these undead and send them to the hell where they belong.

After they take 4 hours to walking up there and finally found the hospital that they just need to searching any zombies around here and this hospital was pretty big as hell.

After they take 4 hours to walking up there and finally found the hospital that they just need to searching any zombies around here and this hospital was pretty big as hell

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(Y/N): "Whoa...alright...before we go in? Does anyone have a question about we are got problem here?" He asked them and make them were silent and then they shook their heads.

(Y/N): "I guess that could be the answer right now." He said to them and make them heard the other zombie moan out and make one of them charge toward at (Y/N) and others. Then Ellis was shot one of them in the head and make the zombie was fall down on the top of the vehicle car and the car triggered with alert the horde of zombies came here.

(Y/N): "Shit! ELLIS!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?" He shout out to Ellis and make him was look down and he said.

Ellis: "Sorry." He said.

(Y/N): "Argh...Shit! HERE THEY COMES!!!!! GET READY, GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them nod their heads and they got their weapons out and prepare to fight at the horde of zombies by themselves.

The mercenary with others begin to open firing their weapons at those zombies.

(Y/N): "COME AND GET SOME, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to these things and make (Y/N) with the others are firing their weapons at those monsters by themselves and take many zombies down by themselves and killing them all like badass. But these things are dumbest and other special infected maybe smart as hell.

Ellis: "YEAH!!!!! HEHEHEHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out like maniac.

Kohta: "WOOOO!!!!!!!!! GAME ON, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to these things and make them were keep shooting their weapons.

Coach: "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!"

Francis: "EAT SHIT, VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and then they both were keep shooting their weapons at those zombies and then Nick was got the pile bomb out by himself and he was light it up and make him was shout out.

Nick: "PILE BOMB GOES UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and he throw the pile bomb toward to the horde of zombies and they both notice the sound and the countdown and make them were running toward to the pile bomb and they tries to hit it...but too late for them...they got their asses blew up by the pile bomb.

(Y/N): "LET'S GO IN THERE, QUICKLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make them were running up there right away and they went to the hospital and killing many zombies inside the building by themselves.

To Be Continued.

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