Chapter 18: Male Witch Chase

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was with the others are get in the vehicle cars and they both were heading out to somewhere and get far away from these things back there and turns out that (Y/N) with others definitely survive back there.

Saya: "MOM AND DAD!!!! WE CAN'T LEAVE THEM BACK THERE-" She tries to said but (Y/N) was put his hand on her shoulder and he said.

(Y/N): "Saya, there's nothing we can do right now...those things back there...they are overrun at us...and all everything what we do is survive...that's what we are going to do, Saya." He said to her and make her was sigh out little bit.

Saya: "I-I-I-I just don't know if my mom and dad will be alive." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I'm not so sure about it...but I promise to you that they are going to be fine..." He said to her and make her was hug (Y/N) and she wasn't let it go because she is crying out loud and the others were worrying as well because they both seen enough out there...some goddamn zombies and other monsters. Especially the other monster was totally big and the one with claws and he was definitely terrifying as hell...(Y/N) didn't notice this creature must be new hybrid zombie.

Francis: "Okay, what the hell was that back there?!?" He said.

Ellis: "You mean new zombie back there! Holy fuck that thing is tough as hell!" He said to them and make them were definitely don't know what they saw it.

Nick: "Must be new hybrid zombie." He said.

Rochelle: "Great, so we got more endangers that we were encountering by these things." She said to them and they both don't know what to do...but Shizuka who was the driver and she just driving the Humvee vehicle goes faster and tries to get away from here. But until they heard the rumbling sound is coming and keep coming at them and make them were definitely don't like it...and (Y/N) turn around to look and he notice something is coming and that familiar monster behind him.

(Y/N): "Ah've got to be kidding to me." He said.

Coach: "Is that thing coming after us again?!?" He said to (Y/N) and make the mercenary nod his head to them and others as well and (Y/N) look at Shizuka and make him said.

(Y/N): "Better go faster! FASTER!!!!!!!" He said to her and make her nod her head and then she was driving the vehicle up there fast as she could and (Y/N) who was turn his head back to look at the monster was chasing at the two cars. Then (Y/N) need a weapon and make him look over there and he saw there was a sniper rifle for what he is going to need.

(Y/N): "L96A1

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(Y/N): "L96A1....Nice." He said and he grab the weapon from the ground and he holding it in his hand and better lock with load the weapon up right away and make him was sigh little bit and he said.

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