Chapter 17: New Hybrid Zombie

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3rd POV:

Previously Of HOTD: We Have Not Come This Far To Die Now!

(Y/N): "COME AND GET SOME, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to these things and make (Y/N) with the others are firing their weapons at those monsters by themselves and take many zombies down by themselves and killing them all like badass. But these things are dumbest and other special infected maybe smart as hell.

Ellis: "YEAH!!!!! HEHEHEHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out like maniac.

Kohta: "WOOOO!!!!!!!!! GAME ON, MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to these things and make them were keep shooting their weapons.

Coach: "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!"

Francis: "EAT SHIT, VAMPIRES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and then they both were keep shooting their weapons at those zombies and then Nick was got the pile bomb out by himself and he was light it up and make him was shout out.

Nick: "PILE BOMB GOES UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and he throw the pile bomb toward to the horde of zombies and they both notice the sound and the countdown and make them were running toward to the pile bomb and they tries to hit it...but too late for them...they got their asses blew up by the pile bomb.

(Y/N): "HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! COME AND GET SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He shout out to them and make him was shooting at these zombies like madman.

(Y/N) was shooting at these zombies like a wild and make him just take many of them out by himself and then the three of them were stepped back little bit and keep shooting them. Then Nick was heard the giggling and sounds like mad as hell and make him turn his head to look over there and he saw there was a giggling comes from the little shitty ass zombie is running toward to the eight of them.

Nick: "JOCKEY! JOCKEY!!!!!!" He shout out to the two of them and make (Y/N) notice this and he aim his assault rifle at the little shit zombie was running toward to the three of them and jump up and prepare to grab one of them and (Y/N) took a shot at the zombie in head.

Nick: "JOCKEY! JOCKEY!!!!!!" He shout out to the two of them and make (Y/N) notice this and he aim his assault rifle at the little shit zombie was running toward to the three of them and jump up and prepare to grab one of them and (Y/N) took a sho...

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The little shit zombie got shot in the head and make him was fall down on the ground and dead and (Y/N) was told the two of them goes back to shooting and then they need to take these zombies down by themselves. Well, back to Naomi and Zoey that the two of them were keep going and get more gasolines and finally they done it by themselves and the Humvee vehicle was supposed to be full...but thanks for the mechanic worker helping the two of them out...but until they heard the roar comes from something else is here...and something big came here and that isn't sound good.

There is a big huge ass zombie with big arms and looks like he is a gorilla hulking figure himself and the creature is called Tank.

Rochelle: "TANK!!!!!!!!!!! TANK!!!!!! TANK!!!!" She shout out and make the three of them notice the Tank is here and (Y/N) was seen this and make him use the grenade launcher from his assault rifle and he aim his weapon at the creature and shot it...and make the creature got blast by explosive and send the creature to the car and make (Y/N) aim his weapon at the creature and goes full auto and shooting at the creature.

HOTD: We Have Not Come This Far To Die Now! (Harem X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now