Chapter 16: Screw CEDA?!? Left Behind

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3rd POV:

Next Morning Later.

When (Y/N) was wake up already in the morning by himself and he was in the kitchen and he just drinking the coffee by himself and eating the breakfast for what he is going to eat right now...some normal breakfast foods for what he was gonna eat. Then (Y/N) was change the radio up because he want to heard about other government and CEDA is planning up to...and this make (Y/N) heard the radio that they were cancelling the rescues and this pisses (Y/N) off for what he heard.

(Y/N): "Dammnit." He said to himself.

(Y/N): "Fucking Ceda's doing." He said to himself.

Then he heard the several footsteps coming here and make him notice the girls and others were came here and they both heard the radio channel and make them asked (Y/N) about what's happening and (Y/N) told them to take a seat and having a breakfast foods right away. Then all everyone was sat there by themselves and they both listening the radio channel and this is for what they are gonna heard of.

Zoe: "Oh man." She said.

Coach: "What the hell are they saying?!? They're not going to pick us here?!?" He said to them.

(Y/N): "Damn right it is...they didn't came here." He said to them and make them were groaning out and then Takashi asked (Y/N).

Takashi: "What about the Black Hawk?! Are they-" He tries to said.

(Y/N): "No, possibly they were evacuated people and take those people out of here." He said to Takashi and make him was heard this and he was sigh out little bit.

Nick: "The question is what now? We can't get out of the city?" He asked them.

Louis: "So they're gonna left us death here?!?" He said.

Francis: "Damn, this isn't what I like being join up in the military." He said to them and make them nod their heads and (Y/N) was definitely tries to thinking in his own mind and he possibly tries to figure out and solve the problem at it. Then (Y/N) was thinking that he knew and he told them about his plan that they are gonna heard his plan and he said.

(Y/N): "How about this? We can going out there in this world and we need to find a chopper that we can get in there...and we can get the hell out of this city." He said to them and make them heard this and it was a good idea about what (Y/N) tries to said.

Rochelle: "Are you sure this is good idea?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to her and he told them that this is a good idea plan to get them out of this city and it is the only way that they need to find the chopper. Then (Y/N) need to find the chopper place and he can find it somewhere but...the real question is where do he find it...and (Y/N) knew this isn't good to be out there with those goddamn horde of zombies.

(Y/N): "Look, we supposed to think later...but I think we should take a break right now...but we need to stay longer here in this mansion." He said to them and make them heard this and they decide to stay longer and then they can going out by themselves.

Time Skip Later.


When (Y/N) was on the rooftop's building and make him was stood right there and he stare at the building over there and it seems that he just notice all everything around here and it was darkness and pretty much darkness around in this world...cause these undead zombies will came out but this afternoon...none of them just came and they were head off to somewhere. Then (Y/N) was look down and he saw all everything was alright but until...he notice something ain't right over there and he look over there and he saw there was a two persons who running away from here by themselves and they were been chased by something else behind at the two of them.

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