Chapter 1

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" Why are you so silent?" Irin inquired noticing her best friend's sudden change of demeanor as they were only midway from Freen's mansion. Becky who seemed to be snapped out of her trance smiled softly heaving a deep sigh of uncertainty.

"I don't know. My heart seems to be nervous as we get nearer to the house." She replied putting her palm on her chest feeling the thumping of her beating heart.

"Oh Becky the last time you felt that way was because she brought another freak in your home, just don't let me see her bringing another human being again or else I would punch her face." Irin warned reminiscing the last time Freen went in with another girl in their house after taking advantage of Becky.

As they opened the big gate concealing their mansion from the crowd, Becky whimpered a silent prayer hoping that Freen didn brought another girl again. She hoped that Freen somehow remember that Irin will be coming over tonight and see don't want her best friend to see her wife doing something indecent.

Becky accidentally saw a new car, not Freen's, nor her's because both of them don't drive a purple-colored crossover car. It wasn't there taste in cars. And that moment Becky knew what was coming in for her in that very mansion. Gaining back her composure, Becky tried her best to dodge in the new discovery she saw hoping to drag Irin quicker inside so she won't see the car but it was already too late. Irin accidentally throw a glance.

"Who's car is that?" She asked. Becky don't have to answer, Irin already know what is happening inside, so before Becky can grasp up her mind Irin dragged her inside.  " Stay here, i'm gonna beat your wife's ass." Irin stood up only to be pulled back by Becky.

"Rin... Please, let's breath first, we should— we can't."

"Oh shut up Becky! Just because she does feel the same way about you gives her permission to hurt you emotionally. She should at least be considerate of you because you are both living in the same roof!" Irin's outburst is visible on the way the veins of her neck pop out. But Becky held her back in place.

"Let me handle this. I can do this. Please calm down." She pleaded.


"Rin please. Please let me." Accepting the defeat, Irin nodded her head towards her best friend who directly stood up climbing the stairs towards the bedroom with loud thumping of her chest. Her hands started getting clammy, on the floor are scattered clothes, some are Freen's and some are from the woman she is with in the room.

One tear

One tear fell off from her angelic face, one choke sob roll out of her mouth, one long shaky breath exits her nose. She then walked further, until she stumbled upon a single door.

Freen's bedroom.

Freen's bedroom door that is slightly open, their loud groans and moans of pleasure echoed through the walls of that very room. Becky's clenched her chest, bit her lower lip and choke between sobs.

Rebecca then moved swiftly hiding herself behind the wall of Freen's bedroom, her eyes glitch with a wave of broken tears as she watched her wife bringing another woman in their mansion. Her door was slightly left ajar as if she wanted Becca to see what they were doing. Their clothes were scattered on the floor dangling a huge cue that they were doing something not so friendly.

Becky's heart shattered into pieces. Freen did it again. Break her again without her knowing that she is already breaking her. It was innumerable, Freen would take different women almost every night to their mansion as if her wife wasn't there. As if Becky was a nobody.

But Becky accepted it, embraced the pain even, because she knew their marriage was of a loveless bond that Freen didn want. Becky at first also dislike the idea of marrying Freen, but just to spare her brother from Freen's gang and organizations, she sacrifice herself for the sanctification of her blood.  She married Freen so her brother will be free, without threats going in and out of their house saying they will chop his head off. So she did. She took the initiative to save her brother... She can't lose him, he's the only one she got.

The marriage came to smoothly, with both individuals not minding each other's business, not until Becky started falling for the cold wolf, she started acting like a real wife, she cook for Freen, clean the house for Freen, and even do Freen's laundry. She started getting curious about Freen's whereabout, where she went, who she's with, and other things only lovely couple do. The more Becky showed her actions the more Freen detached, she started telling Becky she would never fall for her, Becky wasn't her type, and that she shouldn't be hoping for something Freen could not give. Because for Freen Becky is merely nothing. A thing, someone she wouldn't love.

Becky watched from outside the door how her wife aggressively kiss the girl's neck devouring her like a good food she is. She don't wanna watch, but her eyes won't turn away. "Oh who's that girl?" The woman asked when she opened her eyes from being shut piercing towards Becky's brown ones. Freen detached herself from the girl turning her gaze on Becky's direction, she then smirked and grinned like a psychopath watching Becky with her glaring eyes.

Becky regretted even coming home, now she wanted to escape, to run, to escape the agony of Freen's painful wrath, she wanted to disappear, to fade from the eyes of everyone. She wanted to mend herself in a place where no one knows her, where no one knows she exist. She wanted to run away and take everything she's got leaving all the painful memories behind. But she can't... She can't leave. She can't leave even when her mind tells her to because her hearts says no.

Freen looked at Becky, with no signs of sympathy and guilt. Only with blank and dark expression wearing thin in her serene face. " Don't mind her. She's just my maid..."

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now