Chapter 2

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Becky's knees languish, her tears keeps streaming down her face as she ran back towards Irin. Beknowst to her best friend's awareness, Becky embraced Irin tightly, as if she don't want to let go, as if her whole life depended on her best friend's chest.

"Bec?" Irin tried pushing Becky away but the girl refused to let her best friend see her in that state. " Fuck! I told you i'll handle it! You never listen! Now let me give your wife a lesson! Bec let me g—"

"Rin please stay. Don't hurt her, please. If you hurt her you'll hurt me too.  Please stay with me. Just hug me please." The way Becky's voice carry an intensity of huge please, Irin's heart softens, her clenched fist let loose wrapping it around her best friend's back rubbing it in circles as she give her assurance of everything.

Irin can't count how many times Freen made Becky cry, it was innumerable. Irin saw how every fight and every woman affect Becky's mental health and her physical activities. It broke Becky, it shattered the Becky she knew and she can't let Freen continue doing that to her friend.

"I'm here. Just let it all out, i'm here." She assured kissing the top of Becky's head.

From the living room, the moans and groans of pleasure echoed through the whole expansion igniting Becky's pain as she cried a loud sob, her face buried deep on Irin's neck as hot waters trickled down her face soaking Irin's plain white shirt. She cannot erase the thought of how Freen moan in satisfaction as they do the deed with another woman.

"Oh! Fuck! Ah! Freen go harder baby! Ah!  Please daddy!" The woman's loud voice eluded the silence that envelope the atmosphere in between Irin and Becky. Becky shut her eyes tight, Irin on the other hand clench her jaw covering Becky's ears concealing the indecent sounds her wife is creating.

" You know what Bec, let's get out of this hell."  In a swift motion, Irin grab Becky's hand dragging her out of the house. Irin's face possess a dark aura as if her demons were awaken, her forehead creased as she gripped Becky's hand afraid that her best friend would run back inside and act as if she is a robot who don't feel anything.

Before they can leave the mansion, Irin stopped at Freen's garage taking a small pocket knife in her bag making Becky's eyes shut wide. "Rin! What's that for? Why do you have that?" Becky inquired.

"If someone sought insolence to you, they also did that to me. " She stabbed Freen's wheels, one by one. One after another. Then Irin went after the woman's car stabbing the tires multiple times displacing her inequity towards the woman in a very satisfying revenge. "No one can disrespect you. Not her, not anyone."   Becky thought it was over, not until Irin took a bottle paint drizzling it into all of Freen's car that says " Cheaters will die, and i'll be the first one to visit you". On the other hand, the woman's car was also drizzled with pain with a different quote, it says " I fuck married people, come to me" .

"Done." Irin declared in satisfaction wiping her hands with tissues as she dragged Becky's hand out of the house.

"Rin you'll be dead." Becky exclaimed.

" I don't care. Those are permanent paints and I sculp those sayings with my knife and those paints so it will bore in their soul forever." Irin replied. " Now let's go before I kill some bitches away."


Becky spend her vacant time on the threshold of the ground inhaling the scent of nature and fresh air, it was at the back of the school where she found a lake and a beautiful rows of different flowers intensifying her love for them, with her is her journal that laid softly on her lap. Her back leaned on the trunk of the tree, her smile radiant as she touch the grass underneath her and her blond hair cascade lightly on her shoulders highlighting her angelic figure.

"In the moonlight
I wished in the stars that you were here
Instead of being there
One day I will feel your warm embrace
And no more tears will fall down from my face"

Becky smiled bitterly at the statement she wrote subconsciously. Her hand held the pen as if it knows what her heart felt, and that at that moment she produce a beautiful painful quote of her emotions. Her mind wanders to Freen again, her mind would always walked into different miles of timelines until she stumble upon Freen's plot. And that alone made her heart ache a lot.

Becky checked her watch, 9:30 it says. Thirty minutes before her next class. Before she can spend another thirty minutes on the lake, she decided to use the time to go to the library and study. She grabbed her bag, slipped her journal in and started walking away.

As she stride over the large empty halls, Becky rummage her bag to find her phone when suddenly she tripped into the curb. Her eyes clenched shut waiting for the ground to sift her. She was waiting for the impact, but it didn't happened. Instead, she felt arms wrapped around her reprimanding her from falling over.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a man. Tall and handsome, with a prominent nose and a features of Caucasian, his brown eyes pierce into hers, his golden pupils spark as he looked at Becca. But it wasn't the same as Freen's.

"I-i'm sorry." She exclaimed.

"It's fine beautiful." The man replied beaming a soft smile, his dimples dip in the flesh of his cheeks.

Becky and the man remain in the same position as both of them were lost in the trance of each other's eyes.  Becky tried pushing the guy away, but the man held her much tighter.

"BECCA!" A aloud voice rang sending shivers down on Becky's spine. It was Freen.

She shoot her a look before pushing the man away with all of her strength as he stumbled over from behind.

"F-freen... What are you doing here?" She asked stuttering every word her tongue rolled upon. Freen remained stagnant and emotionless watching the guy from head to toe.

"Is this your affair? God damn it Becca! If your gonna find another man at least don't let me see it." Freen exclaimed offending Becca.

"It's not what you think.  I stumbled over and he just came to help me." She explained.

"Enough Rebecca! I don't wanna hear your bullshit reasons! If you want him then go! I don't care!" Freen looked at the man and he felt intimidated, he felt like Freen is trying to open him.  "You!"

The man gulped.

"Why are you messing with my wife? Don't you know it's illegal to do that?" She asked pulling the man's collar. "Huh?"

"Freen stop! He didn't do anything wrong!"

"Shut up bitch!" She yelled, her gripped on the man's neck tightened making Becky pull her away. But to no avail, Freen is too strong. " Back off man! Don't mess with someone else's wife! Because if you do it again, I will kill you.". She warned before pushing the man away. " Leave."

The man ran away afraid for the safety of his life, Freen and Becky was left in a heated staring session, the silence hung heavy in the air as none of them speak.

"Behave like my wife Rebecca, you don't want me to kill nobody." She warned. Becky was then left with confused gaze, she didn't get why Freen suddenly acted like that. Was she jealous? " Don't think of this as something romantic Rebecca, i'm not jealous of you and never will be. You are nothing."

And again, Becky's world shattered in a swift second.

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now