Chapter 24

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My eyes widen as Freen approach me and Charlotte. Char on the other hand carry the same intensity of shock as I do when Freen suddenly appeared.

"When are you gonna tell me that we have a child Rebecca?" She repeated. I felt stunned, my lips failed to form words. Charlotte took a glance at me, her eyes conveys different gaze that somehow tells me that this is the moment to tell Freen the truth but my mind tells me it's too early to tell her for that.

"Babe can you give us some time please? And please don't let her come here for the mean time okay?" Char nodded. Without any further inquiries, Char stood up and approach Fin bribing her to go somewhere far from here.

I watched as both of them depart, Fin holding Char's hand as she jump a little excitement kicking in with whatever Char told her.

"Is she mine?" Freen's brows furrowed, her gaze darting from Char and Fin's disappearing figure. 

I walked away from her, tugging my shorts dusting away the small pieces of grass away.  I glared at Freen, anger raging out of my chest. " She is mine alone Freen! You were never her mother!"

"I am her mother Rebecca, we both shared genes to have a baby!" Freen replied.

"She may have your genes but she never know you existed Freen!" I prompted, my eyes shooting daggers at her direction as her frustration intensify. 

She palmed her face. " Because you never let me have a chance to meet her Becca! You never once let me experience being her mother! If Nam hasn't told me she saw you with a kid who share my face I wouldn't have known that my baby was alive! All along I blamed myself knowing that my baby died because of my own idiocy! I thought my baby died because I killed it!"

My eyes widen. I never know where she got that information. I never once let her know that I am pregnant, let alone tell her my child is dead.

"Excuse me what?"

"I saw your pregnancy test Becca! Months after you left, you left it in your room and I accidentally saw it when I opened your close doors. I asked Richie, beg for him to tell me where you were, where my baby is, yet he told me the baby died. He told me I killed it. He told me the baby died because of all the stress I caused." She replied, her tears welling up her eyes as I glared at her.

"Becky, please let me a mother to our child.  Let me have the chance to make her feel how I love her. Let me make up the moments and years I wasn't there. Please." She pleaded, my heart felt overwhelmed the moment she utter my name, Becky the first time she called me by that address.

"Do you think it's that easy Freen? Do you? All along my child grow up with only seeing me as her mother and father, I raised her on my own, I shoulder all of the responsibility without any of her biological other mother's help because I don't wanna have any debts to you again. I sustained my brother's starting anew, I helped him get up in his feet and support him in any way possible because you made our life living miserable." I snapped, my voice rising as Freen took a step back, shock from my sudden outburst.  " And now you'll come back as if nothing has happened? You'll come back as if all of these are just a normal thing? Like this is some kind of some joke! Are you sick in the head!"

"I know Becky! I know my mistake! I know I am such an idiot for all of the mistakes I did! I am nothing but a pathetic brat who think of no one else but myself. But Becky trust me! I tried! I tried finding you both the moment I knew! I tried doing all I can do just to see you and take care of my daughter! Trust me Becky I did! I did!"

I walked away from her leaving her behind. My heart feel like it's gonna burst any time, I feel like the memories I buried is slowly resurfacing, it's slowly consuming me. And it's suffocating.

"Becky!" She yelled, yet my feet were too fast to move away from her. My feet take me to places I dislike before, but Freen's hand grasp my wrist before pulling me back. " Becky please! "

"You're not her mother Freen! Not once! Not ever!"

"I also participated on making that baby! I did all the work!" She replied making my anger heighten.

"The fuck are you talking about!"

"I consult a doctor after I knew you got pregnant Becky! I consult our IVF doctor and asked if that baby you were carrying is from the process but she told me no! She never had the chance to do the process again since you left the country! And we made love Becky! I touched you! I knew that was my baby Becca! I knew she is mine!"

The realization hit me. I never consult the doctor again after the first process, I was supposed to be meeting her to do the second one yet I leaved the country.

Did I really conceived when Freen and I?

But what did she say? We made love? Was it love for her? Wasn't it just sex?

"Becky please! Please let me be her mother for once! Let me be her mother!" Her tears trickled down her cheeks. Her sobs elided my ears as her sobs magnify clenching my heart into pieces. Right before I can utter any words, Freen kneeled in front of me holding both my hands tight. " Bec, please... Please let me be her mother. Let me make up the times I wasn't there... I'm begging you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. " Freen please get up." I attempt lift her up but she was persistent. " Freen, please don't do this."

"No, if I don't do this it would never take me anywhere. Please Becky. Please." Everyone's gaze fall upon us, my tears trickled down my cheeks the same way as Freen's. Her hands tightened in mine as her forehead rested on my stomach.

"Freen." I coaxed. " Fine, please get up. Don't do this. " She looked up. " Even if I won't let you meet her I can't do anything Freen, my daughter already know you. She wanted to meet you and I won't be selfish enough to deprive her the freedom to meet you. I can't be selfish enough to tore her dreams of seeing you." I wiped the tears on my cheeks. " But you have to promise me Freen, promise me one thing."

She stood up, her eyes meeting my gaze, the happiness in those brown orbs sparkling like a diamond reflected by the sun. " I promise everything if that's what it takes to be with my daughter."

"I want actions Freen, I wanted to see actions instead of those flowery words rolling out of your mouth." She nodded. " Promise me that you won't break my daughter's heart, don't wreck her feelings... You already did it to me once, I don't want you to do that to my daughter because I could kill someone of it comes to my baby Freen. Remember that."

Without further says, Freen suddenly pulled me into a hug. A very tight one, my chest pressed up against her as she engulf me in a tight embrace. Her sobs audible as she nuzzled her face on my neck making me tense up.

This is the very first time I saw Freen as emotional as this, and also the very first time she initiated intimacy. And somehow her warmth bring peace within my soul.

"Thank you Becky. Thank you, I won't do anything that will hurt our daughter. I won't, I promise."

She held me tight pulling much more closer. I can feel the thumping of her heartbeat, the loudness it brings that rhymes with mine.

And beknowst to me, a soft pair of lips suddenly came contact with my temple. A kiss that conveys different emotions, a kiss of pledge and ideal future ahead.

:if you all are confused, Freen have male genitals but Becky is supposed to get pregnant using IVF process.

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