Special Chapter

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As the raindrops pour down the windows of Becky's rented apartment, her heart clenched with longing as she gaze upon the vast sky. Her heart shattered into pieces, the longing for her daughter heightened the more each days grows long. She was somewhere far from the center of England, she was sure enough not to rent an apartment near their house, or else Freen will come find her, or bump with her in the grocery store.

She press her palm on her lips as she choke a sob. Her ears ringing with anticipation as she listen to her daughter's voice.

"Mommy, when are you coming back? Finfin miss you so much. Come back alreay mommy." The little one pleaded. Becky has thought of going back, of turning around and putting in her luggage back to her room but she can't. And she won't. Not yet.

"I'll be home soon baby, and mommy promise to give you a lot of kisses na? I miss you a lot too my angel." She replied, her lips puckering into a kiss as if she can kiss the screen.

"Momma always cry mommy, she missed you a lot. I don't want momma to cry anymore. It hurt Finfin too." Becky's tears fell off. She knows how Fin cared for Freen and seeing both her girl's struggling from her sudden departure pained her. 

"Mommy is sorry na. I'm so sorry you have to suffer to this too baby, but mommy promise to be back okay mai? I will be brave next time. I will trust momma again. Just give me time okay? Don't give momma headaches do you understand?" Fin nodded on the other line. Her eyes waters as she gaze at her mother from the screen.

"I love you mommy." She exclaimed. "Thank you fow the paints mommy." Becky smiled. Fin has been so engulf into painting just like Freen, and Becky gaved her a set of painting stuff, including paint brushes and acrylics.

"You're always welcome my love." She replied.

"Finfin need to go now mommy, bye bye. I love you."

"I love you too my little one." Becky press her index and middle finger on her lips before pressing it into the screen.  When the call ended, she sob harder feeling the absence on the other line. She can't live without her daughter, but she is too cruel to leave her there.

But she need to.

She has to, or else she will lose herself.

"When are you planning to come back?" Charlotte asked. She has been in Becky's apartment since the morning. She was worried, Becky hasn't called her for days and when she did she greet Charlotte with a loud sob.

"I don't know Cha. But I will, I will come back soon." She replied, her words heavy with despair.

"Don't take too long. Or else me and Freen will marry instead." Becky glared at her making her chuckle. The woman is still possessive as she is.

"I will come back before you know it Char... Don't worry, i'll have to settle myself first. I have to come back stronger the second time around."

"No more running away?" Char asked.

"No more running away." She repeated, Charlotte then wrapped her in her arms peppering kisses on her head. The comfort that Charlotte's body possess exert warmth towards her petite figure.  " I'll make it right this time.  No more turning back nor escaping the reality. "

Charlotte smiled. Her hand caressing Becky's cheek cupping her small face in between her hands. " Don't run away anymore. Don't be afraid, all I wanted you to do is to be happy." She exclaimed. "  Come back stronger the second time around... I want to be with you in every way but I can't pave in the way and block Freen's chances. I can do that if I wanted to but I choose not to. I wanted to even punch her but I didn't do it Becca. Just know that if she hurt you, she will face me." Char started. She was speaking in behalf of her heart, it was the very best of her. The very depth of her heart was speaking instead of her mind.

For Becky it was only a friendly reminder, but for Charlotte it was her all.

"If she hurt you, don't ever hesitate to come to me... I will make you the happiest babe." She added. " But for now, I wanted you to be happy." There was a long pause an big gaps in every words Charlotte retort, each possess a great sense of intensity. Yet the next sentence she prompted left Becky speechless.

" I love you more than a friend Becca... But i'm setting you free."

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now