Chapter 20

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As both of the women navigate through their days, both of them hold a different sense of overwhelming turmoil wrapping in the depths of their chest. Becky's heart was envelope with an intense trepidation as she came to unravel the truth. Her mind seems to be in a chaos as she remembered the encounter that happened the last day.

As she surge through her day, her mind would always wander at the woman who made her life a living hell. Freen, Freen Sarocha Chankimha, her very known ex-wife that is not even her ex-wife at all. 

"Babe." Charlotte called, shes been calling Becky for a couple of times now yet the other woman is out of context.


"Come on we're here for you. We can talk about that, don't bottle it up alone." Charlotte exclaimed putting a hand on Becky's.

"But seriously... Did Sarocha really didn't file the divorce?" Irin asked. She just got home from her appointment and came to this very emotional and paranoid Becky.

"I-i saw the ID Rin, she is using my surname. Armstrong, she is still an Armstrong." She replied as her hand shook rapidly. " She freaking made me believe I am free from that rotten memory yet I am living a lie. I am still in her trap, I am still connected to her."  Rebecca's voice broke, her heart ache at he thought of still being connected to Freen, her heart heavy with the revelation, yet her being whispered bravery and compassion.

"Hey, don't cry. It's gonna be okay, we're here okay? I'm here." Irin assured as she wrapped her arms around her best friend patting her head softly as she kiss her hair.

Charlotte on the other hand pouted, she yanked Irin's hand away but Irin is a tease enough not to let go of Becky. " It's my turn!" She whined.

"Nah! I go first! Let me savor this!" Irin replied hugging Becky tighter.

"No! It's my turn now!" Charlotte sulked.

"You steal  her five years from me Charlotte let me have her for now!" Irin replied being as stubborn as Charlotte, accepting her defeat, Charlotte slump her shoulder on her side before pouting.

"Guys guy! Stop fighting over me! Why don't we just all hug together!" Becky suggested but before can even spring free from Irin, Charlotte already throw her arms over the two wrapping them into a bone crashing hug squeezing them tightly.

"Aww!" She yelp feeling her bone cracking in between.

"Cha! It's so tight!" Irin whined. Charlotte on the other hand enjoyed the hug too much, her smile reaching her ear as her lips reach Irin's nose before leaning in to kiss it. "Ew! Did you just kissed me?"

"Who kissed you?" Charlotte denied.

"Ew! You're gross!" Becky's heart swelled in happiness as she is enveloped in between her friends arms. As they draped into a comforting embrace, Finley ascended to the door looking at them with creased forehead before walking towards them.

"Can I join?"

Finley asked. Becky who saw her daughter beamed a smile before reaching her hand as she pulled her in between her lap.

"Hey baby." She planted a kiss on Finley's head.

"I miss you mommy. She exclaimed planting a soft kiss on Becca's lips. Her head snuggle into her neck wrapping her arms around her mother.

"Where's Mami's kiss?" Charlotte asked. Finley then kissed Charlotte and smiled softly. As she look at them, Finley found her aunt Irin pouting so before she can ask, she already kiss her cheeks.

"I love you mommy."

Becky smiled. " I love you more my baby bear."

Finley remained in Becky's arms. Her lips puckered forward, a habit she inherit from Freen when she is anxious or unable to express what is in her mind.

"What is it baby?" She asked.

"Mommy, can I ask a question?"

"You're already asking baby."

There was a long pause. Finley fidget with her fingers as she compose her own thoughts.

"Everyone in school have one daddy and one mommy, some also have two mommies and two daddies. " Rebecca's heart skipped a bit. She know Finley will come to inquire about her other mother, but she didn't know it would be this soon.

"What's the matter with that baby? Did you have enough of me already?" She asked. Finley then shook her head.

"No mommy... I'm just jealous. Everyone have two mommy, or two daddies, or a mommy and a daddy. And I only have one mommy." Finley replied. " Mommy do I have a daddy?"

Charlotte and Irin look at Becky. Their eyes beamed a soft concern as they look at their best friend. In the folds of unending uncertainties, Becky decided to let her child know about her other mother. 

"You don't have a daddy baby." She explained, voice tinged with softness not wanting to hurt her daughter's feelings. " You have two mommies."

Finley's eyes brightened. Her once dull eyes sparkled when she heard the revelation. "  Really? I have two mommies?" She asked. Becky nodded. " But where is she? Is she mami Charlotte?"

"No! No! She's not your mom baby." She immediately reacted which earned a soft giggle from Charlotte. "Your other mommy is mommy Freen. She is in Thailand baby."

"Mommy Freen? It sound like my name Fin!" She giddily exclaimed.

"Yes baby because aunt Irin named you after your mommy."

"But why is she not here mommy? Why didn't she come meet Fin? Didn't she want me?" Becky heaved a sigh. Her heart ache at the though formed in her daughter's mind.

"No baby, mommy Freen want you okay don't think that she didn't." She replied.

Although she is also uncertain about that fact, she cannot put pain in her child's heart so regardless of her doubts, she told her daughter that Freen love her. And she hope if Freen knows about her she will really love her.

"Then why is mommy not coming to see Fin?" Finley asked.

"Baby... There are things we couldn't control. Mommy Freen will come and meet you soon okay? But we can not have our hopes up hm?"

"But why mommy?" She inquired. Her curiosity gawking at her senses making Becky ask herself if this kid she is talking right now is really four years old.

"We can't just ask mommy Freen over here when you want to meet her baby. Mommy Freen and mommy Becky is not together anymore. "

"But how can Fin have a happy family if you are not together?"

"Fin, mommy Freen and mommy Bec can both raise  baby Fin without being together okay? We can make way." She replied. " We can't keep mommy all for yourself baby, mommy Freen have a different life to take care of."

"But Fin is family too, can't she take care of me? Can't she stay?"

Becky sighed.

"Mommy Freen will take care of you na, but we can't ask for more okay? Mommy Freen is a business woman that's the first reason... And second one is." She paused hesitating either she will continue what she was about to say or not.

" Mommy Freen is not ours to keep."

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now