Chapter 41

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Before I know it, Engfa open the door as Charlotte and Becky shoot a glance over. But I can't get inside. My heart felt so heavy.

So instead of stepping inside, I left. Ran out of the office and this time I didn't go towards the woods. Instead I went for my car and drive off. Tears coating eyes fogging my vision. I keep trying to wipe it out, yet it continue falling like a rain in the sky.

She regretted having me as Fin's mother.

And it was so painful. She regretted it. Now I don't even know where I would stand. I don't even know if I can erase those words in my head.

I let my car take me away. And I found myself parked outside of Fin's school. I overheard Charlotte saying this location one time and this time i'm here now. Sitting in my car, fingers tapping the steering wheel as the blood on my knees keep coming out.

I get out of the car, let the scorching sun hit my skin. Letting the breeze blow air to my face wanting it to take away my pain. To take away the stinging in my heart. I walk towards the benches, waited patiently for my daughter while tears still trickled down my face. 

After a few minutes, a guard come towards me. " Hey ma'am? Is something wrong? I've notice you've been here for quite some time now." He inquired. I hung my head low, letting my hair cover the entire of my face not wanting anyone to see me this weak.

"I'm fine... Thank you for asking. You can go now." I replied dismissing the guard.

"Perhaps I could help ma'am? Your knees have been bleeding a lot. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked so I nodded again.

"Thank you for your concern but don't worry... I'm just waiting for my child." I replied. Accepting his defeat, the guard retreated back on his post leaving me behind on the benches.

When the bell rang, a lot of kindergarten students come out from the school. I fix myself. The least I wanted Fin to see is seeing me this vulnerable. Once I was done fixing my make up, I walked towards the entrance of the school waiting for my daughter.  Few minutes have pass and I finally saw Fin's small figure approaching the hallway, she didn't see me because she was busy talking to a friend and when she does... She go for a ran and jump her little figure on my body.

"Momma! Momma you're here!" She exclaimed giddily. Her hug tightened against my neck.

"I'm here baby. I came to pick you up." I replied rubbing her hair a little as I pushed the both of us and started walking towards the car.

"Where's mommy?" Shit! I didn't tell Becky I will come pick Fin up. Argh! Nevermind i'll just text her later.

"Mommy is still in the office tiger, but we'll go see mommy later okay?" I assured.

"Okay momma." She replied. I tucked her in the car, buckling her seatbelt before planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Do you wanna go to the park na?"

"Pawk?" She asked missing a single letter making her look so much cuter.

"Yes, park na." She nodded her smile reaching her ears as I ruffled her hair and drive off.


"Momma! Momma! I wanna ride that!" Fin pointed at the ferris wheel while jumping up and down. She was too energetic and adventurous like her mother, but i'm too scared to sat foot on that.

"Baby, that's too high na. Let's go find something else in there.  I promise momma would ride with you." I bribe trying to divert her attention but she is smart. She refuse to believe me and sulk.

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now