Chapter 30

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A loud smack echoed in the restroom. Becky was fuming in anger as her palms meet Freen's cheek. She was devastated, taunted even.  How can someone do such thing as normal as that after everything that happened.

"Fuck you Freen! You never change! If you think you can still wrap me around your finger then you're wrong! I am nothing but the Becca you used to know! " Becky yelled, Freen rubbed her cheek. Shock was written on her face. " You're still the same Freen. You're still a pathetic idiotic jerk!"

"I’ve been called worse by better." She replied not taunted by the nicknames she received.

"Suits you well! You should be called much worse than that! " She scuff. "You’re the reason God created the middle finger!" Becky pushed Freen aside, shoulders bumping on the other girl as she slammed the door shut behind her.

"Damn it!" She murmured. The lights went back on so Freen stayed a little bit longer, her lipstick were smudged to the side. "Fuck it Freen!" She repeated before going out of the restroom.

The table where Becky and the rest of their family sat was now empty. The only one who is left is Richie, Heng, and Nam.

"What took you so long? What happened back there to get Becky's rage as scary as that?" Nam asked. "She almost wanted to punch everyone she saw."

Freen ruffled her hair, frustration evident in her face. " I need to go."

"Wait! I'll go with you!" Nam exclaimed rising from her seat rushing out the door to follow Freen. Once they were inside the car, Freen's mind travelled back to the events that happened a few moments ago.

"What happened Freen?" Nam asked again, yet Freen's mouth were sealed. She didn't even know where she find the audacity to press her lips on the other woman.

"Nam can you please... Please stop asking questions okay? Not now." She requested. Nam stayed silent, she don't wanna push Freen's buttons and make her more mad. Freen keep tapping the steering wheel, her grip tightened and loosen, Nam wanted to ask her what really happened but base on her best friend's behavior, she know something isn't right.

Once they arrived at the hotel, Freen marched towards her room, slump herself in the bed hugging the pillows.

She felt ashamed. She felt disappointed with herself remembering the idiocy she made. Damn it Sarocha!

"Where have you been?" Nam rolled her eyes, Nita has entered the room demanding for Freen's explanation.

"Can you not disturb her? She's not okay, give her a break!" Nam snapped.

"No! I was waiting here the whole time waiting for my girlfriend to come back and everyone even her friends left me! Now where have you been Freen?" She yelled.

"Nam... Can you go for a while?" Freen requested sitting up from the bed shooting Nita a deadly glare. As soon as Nam vanished into thin air, Freen glared at Nita. " What do you want?"

"Really Freen? You aren't even gonna explain to me where you were? You were gone for so long, you didn't even message me! You didn't even text!"

"Nita I got places to be okay? Am I deprived to even go out and enjoy my own company?" She snapped.

"I'm not depriving you to do that! I am just asking for a simple question! Why didn't you tell me where you've been? Your friend weren't even opening up and sealing their mouths about you! I am your girlfriend Freen! Why do I feel like I don't even exist!"

Nita hit a button she will regret and wish she didn't hit. Freen's rage heightened, her eyes conveys deep stares that means death. Not physical death, but death only her words can produce.

"You are just my girlfriend Nita! Just because you have the privilege and the title as my girlfriend doesn't mean you can control my life! You signed up for this yourself! Force yourself on me when I told you I can't reciprocate what you feel anymore! I asked you if we could just end things but you're eager not to do it! We agreed not to interfere into each other's lives anymore yet your suffocating me!"

"And just because you don't feel the same way I feel doesn't mean you can just hurt me over and over again Freen? What should I do? What should I do to make you love me again? What should I do to have you back?" She asked. "I can't help but overthink you have someone else Freen! Ever since you came here I was always out of the picture!"

Freen gritted her teeth. Her jaw clenched as she close her fist tightly. "I still come back around no matter how busy I am Nita. You should be thankful for that. Be thankful I still go home to you, cherish those moments. Because there's only this tiny strings tying me to go home to you. One more pull and i'm gone." She replied before leaving the room.


"Fin go to your room." Becky demanded as long as they arrived at the house. Charlotte and Irin who were unaware about the sudden shift of behavior looked at her puzzled.

"But mommy, Fin wanted to play." Fin whined.

"Fin go to your room now." She retorted, voice strong and firm.

"Fine!" Her daughter complained stomping her feet before climbing the stairs and shut her door close.

Once the kid left the premise, Becky ruffled her hair pulling it's strand as she paces back and forth.

"Damn it Becca! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" She groaned hitting her head repeatedly.

"Babe! Stop it!" Charlotte pulled her hands away reprimanding her from hitting herself more.

"Fuck! I'm so stupid!" Becky retorted, tears welling on her eyes as Charlotte pulled her down on the couch.

"What happened Bec? You weren't acting like this earlier... Did something happened?" Irin asked.

"She kissed me!" She yelled, voice cracking in between. " She fucking kissed me Rin! How dare her do that!"

"SHE WHAT?" Irin and Charlotte screamed. One with anger and one with excitement.

"That bastard did that?" Irin asked pointing at her neck where Freen left a mark.

Becky nodded.

"Damn! She's quick!" Charlotte interjected scanning the mark with her fingers.

"She fucking kissed me like I am a food she is deprived to eat! Is she insane? That bitch fucking kiss me like she hasn't wreck me long way before and now she's acting as if she's doing something as normal as that! How can she easily do that? How can she act like it is not a big deal when even her shadows haunt me at night? H-how? How can she be that stupid!" Becky's tears started streaming down her face. She rushed towards the sink rinsing her own mouth to take off the remnants of Freen's lips on hers. " I can't even take her marks off! Fuck that woman!" She exclaimed devastated, she keep rubbing her neck harshly leaving a greater red bruise.

"Stop it Becca! Don't touch it! Your gonna hurt your skin! " Irin said pulling her hand away.

"I hate how s-she kissed me Rin. I hate how she kissed me as if she never despises me before. I hate everything about her! I hate her!" She sobbed. Her face buried on her best friend's chest coating her shirt with tears.

Becky's mind were in chaos, her thoughts foggy as she look back at what happened. She admit she hates the kiss. She hate how Freen just do that easily. But something deep within her craves for it. And she hates it.

She hate to admit but she felt it.

She hate the person who kissed her. Not the kiss.

But she hate the most when she felt like the kiss meant more to Freen. It felt as if Freen is resurfacing the chances they never grab.

"Why would she do that... Just why!" She keep whispering while Irin rubbed her hair softly soothing in her broken figure.

"There's only one answer to that Bec." Irin started.


"Freen is into you..."

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now