Chapter 10

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After Finley's play, I hurriedly rushed over my management due to some important matters that they want me to do.  Charlotte drove me outside the company before I bid them both goodbye for a while because I have to work. Though I don't wanna leave my child and my best friend after the event, the hectic schedule of my work will always interfere and all I could do is obliged... This is also for my daughter. For us.

The guards flashed me a warm smile as soon as I entered the premises. There were staffs in the lobby who were busy setting up documents those auditioners submitted that will be finalize soon.

"Rebecca! I'm glad you're already here!" My assistant exclaimed the moment she saw my figure approaching.

"Hey, what's up? What's the sudden call?"

" You have a new shoot for your new brand endorsement."

" Who's product was it?" I asked.

" The owner is anonymous, the CEO told us it's exclusive because that business woman don't wanna garner attention. And she also said that CEO is super strict." She replied whispering the last part afraid someone might eavesdrop what she was saying.

" Don't trust your first impression Sadie, maybe that's just her nature."

"Nah, I already saw her once before, she is super gorgeous, but her face lack of emotion. She is always fierce." She retorted making me beam a smile. Just like Freen.

" Stop thinking about her Becky!" I scolded myself.

"Are you saying something?"

"Ah no, it's nothing." I replied dismissing Sadie's gnawing curiosity. We made our way towards the studio. Everyone was already there, the camera's are already set and the only person they are waiting is me.

"Rebecca! I'm glad you're already here! Good to have you again." Mike exclaimed. He was the master photographer among everyone, he gives the command to his assistants and edit and revise pictures to make it look more stunning and get a perfect result.

"It's good to see you again to Mike." I replied tapping his shoulders in anticipation. Not prolonging any more chats and talks, I am already assured towards the very front of the camera as I pose elegantly endorsing the brand I am told to endorse. When Mike told me to held the bag, eyes must be fixated on it, my gaze landed on the brand name of the product.

Lujoso Belliza

I was stunned. Horrified even seeing the brand name sculptured perfectly in this very thick fabric. Lujoso Belliza. Luxurious Beauty. That was my dream name of the product I will own in the near future. Why is it in here? Did someone also have the same idea as mine for them to name this product after my thoughts?

But that would be so impossible.

"Becky!" Mike's voice echoed through the room as he tried to gather my attention. Caught in the moment, my head snapped directly towards his direction flashing a sweet smile.

"H-hey, sorry I was just carried away. This bag somehow look so elegant and nice." I exclaimed trying to shrink the unexplainable feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"It's okay, you can go home now Becky. Your work here is done now, i'm so sorry for calling you in your leave."

"No, it's fine Mike. I totally understand." I replied. " I'm heading now."

I exited the studio, mind full of different thoughts that is nagging my very thinking. Freen is the only person who knew about that brand name. Is it possible if it's—

"Argh! Becca stop it!"

Standing on the curb, I waited for my Uber to pick me up and after a few minutes, it already arrived. As soon as I entered the car, my phone rang once but before it could ring for the second time I already picked it up.

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now