Chapter 13

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With a soft blow of time, the day of Freen's coming arrived, Becky found herself restless as she walked back and forth the four corners of the living room as she think about Freen breathing the same air as her now, her heart skipped a bit knowing her ex-wife is moving in the same atmosphere as her at her very office where Freen would be in a few minutes.

"Bec, can you stop moving around? You're making me dizzy!" Charlotte whined, having enough of her best friend's pacing that started an hour earlier. "If you don't wanna meet Freen you have all the right not to so stop walking around that much."

"I'm not having a good impression about this Cha... What if she found out about Fin? What if she'll know that it's hers? What if she'll take her away?" She bombarded Char with questions that haunt her the whole morning.

"Don't you think it's her right to meet your kid Bec? Freen is also a parent of that child you were carrying. She has the right to know that she has a child with you." Charlotte replied.

" I know that... But still, she can't just pop out of nowhere after everything she had put me through!" She insist raising her voice a bit but not too much to convert a different interpretation to Charlotte.

"Bec you're an adult now, I know you would make a better decision. For now set aside the feelings you have, the personal issues and focus on the business you and her needed to navigate.  Don't show her that you're affected, or else she'll think that you're still stuck in the past. Let her see that you've moved on, and not in a teeny tiny bit pieces of you still cared for her. She is no one in your life now, don't let her sudden appearance dull you're shining sparkles."

Charlotte wrapped Becky in a tight embrace, the uncertainty in her heart somehow subsided as she felt Charlotte's warm support for her.

As the daybreak started to gets old, she received one text from Richie.

She's here. Aren't you coming, not ever?

She tucked the phone in her pocket, her decision is already final. She won't be coming to see Freen, not today, not tomorrow, nor the days following in row. She can't face her yet or else she will remember all of the not good parts of their relationship, of the hate, of the painful cutting words and all of the painful thing she told Becky.

As night falls, Becky received another text message from Richie.

She cancelled the meeting she wants you here instead of me.

The short satisfaction of her heart that Freen is already satisfied with the meeting mark a feeling of worry towards Becky. The depths of her heart folded a thousand times thicker as she read the message again and again.

"What did she want from me?" She whispered in a small voice until her front door opened. " Richie!" She called, the exhaustion on her brother's face is visible as he slumped his body on the couch.

"Argh! I'm so tired." He pinched the bridge of his nose, leaned back behind before looking at Becky. " What's up Bec?"

"How'd it go?" She asked.

"Your ex-wife is too much. I thought we will start the meeting the moment she arrive but when she knew you are not there she called it off. She said we'll have the meeting tomorrow and she wants you to be there."

Becky sighed in frustration.

" What did she want? Why do she have to look for me when you're already there!"

"I'm telling you Becky this is up for no good! She's planning something!" He replied. " And I guess she was really looking forward to meeting you Becky, she even wore makeup!"

Makeup. Freen don't want makeup. Is she that eager to me so she wore makeup? Becky's mind inquired.

"She what?"

"Yes she freaking wore a makeup! It's so not her Becca!" He exclaimed highlighting the old Freen who dislike putting chemicals on her face.

"Maybe that's just for business matters Richie. Girls do that a lot.". She replied.

Despite the growing suspicion and curiosity in her heart, Becky pushed aside every fiber of her personal issues to do us on her own self denying the fact that she herself also wanted to see Freen.

On the second day, Rebecca, still didn't get to work. She didn't go to her company as she locked herself in the comfort of her own room. She hadn't gotten out for the whole day missing Finley's presence as she didn't see her daughter. She longed for the absence of her happiness by locking herself in that pale gray door. 

Her expectations about the meeting was high, yet the disappoinment that loomed after her is higher. As she engaged in reading a book "Surrounded by Idiots". Her solitude came to an abrupt stop when Richie's car pulled over the driveway creating a crease on her forehead confused as to why her brother came home so early.

"Bec?" It was Richie, her brother, his voice tinged with rage as his unsteady breathing radiates through his chest.

"What? Why are you suddenly here? I thought you're in the meeting?" She inquired.

" She cancelled again!" He groaned.

"What? Why? What again?" She asked.

"Because she wanted you to be there! It's you that she wanted to meet Becky not me!" He yelled in frustration as he ruffled his hair in betweens his fingers. "She wanted you to be there  Becky, not me, not anyone but you. "

"Why the hell would she call for me? Can't she get it already? I don't wanna meet her!" Becky yelled soothing the raging emtoions in her heart.

"You have to Becky! She is already in rage knowing you're not showing up!"

"But Richie! I-i... I don't know if I can face her yet." Her voice is above whisper cracked in between the sentence so Richie pulled her in for a hug. " What should I do?"

"I don't know Bec, I don't know what run over the mind of that Sarocha but you should go see her I will be there with you Becky.  Show up or else she will." He replied cradling his little sister in his arms as he assure her soothing words of support and overwhelming care.

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now