Chapter 5

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The days went by like a handful of bits of dust grasping out of Becky's hand. The time seems to out pass her fingertips as she went on through her day. Weeks after weeks her relationship with Freen grew more distant, no interaction, no talking inside the mansion. As if they were both souls in each other's presence that failed to acknowledge the presence of one another.

Becky was in her room, she is feeling nauseous, her head spin around everytime she move and her stomach hurt, like she would throw up any moment. Neglecting the growing urge to vomit, Becky went downstairs to get hot water to warm her stomach, her hand shaky in every move she make, the pain in her stomach intensifies as she held the glass of hot compress tighter.

"Ow!" She winced. Her hands clutching her stomach, her head spin around on the expansion of the room as if she is swallowed by her surroundings. Freen who was sitting on the couch noticed the sudden yelped of pain, although she don't wanna show any sign of concern, her body reacted immediately when Becky started clutching her stomach tighter.

"What's wrong?" She inquired. Her voice tinged with wavering concern. 

"Nothing... I'm fine, don't worry." Becky replied dismissing Freen's inquiry. She don't want to burden the girl, not this time.

"Are you sure?" Freen asked.

"Yeah." She curtly replied trying to cut short the conversation. As Becky sipped the hot water, a wave of urge to vomit flashed over her, she then ran towards the bathroom, sprinting faster like death as she don't want to throw up in the living room.  Once the door opened, Becky braced herself on the bowl as she leaned in throwing up all of the food she consumed.

Freen following behind was horrified, this is the first time she saw Becky like this. And somehow it terrify her being. "Rebecca are you okay?" She asked. But Becky don't have any strength to reply, so she received dead air. "Rebecca!" 

Becky heard all of the inquiry, yet her head will spin even when she utter a word, and the last straw of it pushed her to the edge. She fell down the floor, unconscious and body lost the ability to be steady.  Before she closed her eyes, all she can hear was Freen's voice.

"REBECCA! REBECCA DON'T YOU DARE PASS OUT ON ME!" She warned. " BECKY!" Becky's heart melted by the call, it's the very first time Freen called her Becky, and somehow it soothes the deepest cut in her flesh. She beamed a soft smile then everything turns blurry.


Becky woke up in a confined space, with white walls, white pillows and white coated colors in every materials in the room. She then roamed her eyes, scanned through the space, until she notice a tube attached to her hand.

She's in the hospital.

Beside her was a woman, leaning in the bedside with her head resting on her arms as she succumb in the comfort of sleep. As Becky stared at the woman, her eyes tinged with curiosity about the woman's face. Just then it stirred on her sleep.

Just then it showed Freen's face, her eyes project fatigue, the dark circles under her eyes are visible as a reminder of her frazzled the other night.

"Rebecca? Hey you're awake." She exclaimed. " Are you feeling better? Are you okay? How do you feel?" Freen asked simultaneously depriving Becky to form any kind of response.


"Do you want something? Are you hungry? Tell me, are you feeling anything?" She inquired. Her bizarre behavior keep Becky wondering about her sudden shift of actions, her concern somehow created a huge gap on Becky. She wondered what happened to Freen that caused her to act this way, perhaps she had eaten a pill that caused her sudden change of heart.

"I'm fine Freen. Don't bother." She replied keeping her composure cool. " Y-you can go home, I don't wanna keep you at bay."  She prompted. Freen's face scrunch from the thought, although she don't wanna comply from the demand, she just shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head.

"Can you call your friend? That blonde girl, maybe she could watch over you while you're here."

Becky nodded taking her phone in her hand, as she dialed Irin's number, her eyes never ceases to glance at her wife who is clicking the table with her fingertips.

"You can leave now."

"I'll wait till your friend gets here." Freen replied.

Seeing the persistincy of Freen, Becky never pushed her out of the room. In fact she wait till Irin get to the hospital before leaving Becky behind, but not before she come to a scrutinizing deadly stare from Rebecca's friend.

"You can leave now, you are no longer needed." Irin retorted, her gaze irk sharply at Freen's eyes boring deeply like a stab of knife. " You could have called me first thing last night so I could have been the one watching over my best friend."

"Do you think I have time to do that after seeing Becky in that state?" Freen prompted igniting a spark of conflict in between. " If you were me last night would you call someone else for help instead of helping your wife yourself?"

"Wow! Now you claim Becky as your wife now huh? Why the sudden change of heart Freen? Is this a fraud again?" Irin accused, the intensity of the words pierce through Freen deeply, deepest from all the wounds she have received verbally. " Leave now Freen! Get your filthy body out of here!" Irin provoke pointing at the door, as Freen was about to leave, the knob suddenly twist open revealing the doctor with Becky's findings.

"Good day Ma'am, can I know who among you here is the patient's family?"


"I am."

Freen and Irin prompted at the same time, they then looked at each other before throwing murderous glares. That alone made Becky's head ache more seeing the conflict between two women in front of her.

"Ahm, base on the way you look at each other I think only one of you is family. So? We are not here to play games are we?"

"It's me doctor, i'm her wife." Freen introduced giving a soft smile to the doctor. 

"Okay then Ms. Chankimha, we are please to say that your wife is fine but the results of the test we had earlier will be out tomorrow so there's nothing to be worried of." Freen took a deep sigh of satisfaction the moment she heard the doctors assurance, on the other hand, Becky clutched Irin's hand in support knowing she is fine.  "Now I should take this as my cue to leave. Have a great day?"

"Thank you doctor." Freen retorted eyeing the leaving doctor from behind.

"I guess you should leave now too."

"I will why are you so eager?" Freen asked.

"Because having you around is suffocating."

" I'd say the same to you."

"I guess we have the fair share of dislikes about each other. Now go away you daughter of Pontios Pilatos."

"You—" Becky having enough of the conflict, raise her hand in the air to dismiss the conflict.

"Stop you two! Your giving me headaches! Can you please just keep it low okay? If you both don't stop i'm kicking you both out of this room." Becky warned. The two women came to an abrupt stop and Freen proceed to exit the door, as Becky look at Freen's disappearing figure, a heightened curiosity evoke in her being about Freen's action. Her mind wanders about the possible reasons her cold wife suddenly showed her concern.

Is this somehow part of her games again?

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