Chapter 35

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There was a soft melodic harmony playing in the background as Becky sat nervously on her chair. She keep switching positions every now and then seeming like she wasn't comfortable with her chair. Fin sat across her, beautifully dress in a pink dress that Freen had given her.

As the hustle and bustle of the music came to a pause, Freen's figure appeared in the middle of the empty garden. She was wearing a beautiful dress that matches fin, her smile is radiant and bright as she slowly approached the little girl.

"Hey baby." She uttered, her eyes fixated on the small one but out of the corner of her eyes her gaze keep darting over the beautiful and gorgeous british woman sitting across her daughter. " Can you dance with momma na?" Fin nodded. She was overly joyed with the fact that her first dance will be her mother.

Freen gently took Fin's hand in hers slowly by slowly taking her into the middle of the dancefloor. Once Fin take in the idea of her being swayed in the middle, her shyness outgrow her own confidence.

"Our daughter look so beautiful." Charlotte whispered wrapping an arm around Becky. " She's just a baby yet but her beauty scream goddess."

"She grow too fast... I miss having her tuck on top of my chest again." Becky replied gazing at her daughter who is securely wrap in Freen's embrace as they swayed along the music.

In the noise of the night, Becky was fully drawn towards the beauties in front of her. It can't be denied that Freen is indeed Fin's mother. Her face say everything about Fin. Fin is a carbon copy of her mother and just by by looking at her daughter. It felt like having two Freen's in her life.

As the gentle dance between the mother and daughter ended, Freen grabbed the mic, kneel down in front of Fin holding her hand in between hers as she starting her own little speech.

"Fin, baby... I don't know how to put my sole happiness into words. I never known that I have a daughter, it was beknowst to me that you exist. I didn't know that while I am enjoying and pouring myself out in Thailand someone who carried my blood was doing a lot better here. I don't know how grateful I am to have finally meet you and spend days with you. I do that knows how to calm my beating heart whenever I am with you." Freen started. "Months ago I felt so lost and empty, there was a void in my heart that cannot be filled with a single flowers. There's something that I craved more."

"Fin, you have brought colors to my life. You painted my world with bright and radiant vibes, you have been the best thing that ever happened to me. Thank you for existing. Thank you being here with me. I am not gonna be a perfect mother but I will try to be your ideal mom, i will be your biggest fan. I will be your protector. I will always defend you. I will be your friend. I will be your confidant. I will always be proud of you. I will love you unconditionally, because always and forever I will be your mama." Freen wrapped Fin in her arms, tears trickled down her face as they embrace each other tightly.

Becca looked away seeing the scene, she felt an immense sensation in her heart as she saw the heartwarming interaction. It's only been a few weeks yet Fin is already attached and tied in Freen's hip. And seeing this right now make Rebecca guilty and hesitate for her own plan.

Char held Becky's hand tightly. She blink her eyes several times to avoid the tears from falling yet the scene was overwhelming. When Becky shifted her gaze towards the two, she found Freen staring straight in her eyes before beaming a smile.

" I also wanted to thank you Becky. Thank you for keeping our baby, thank you for not giving up on her even though I wasn't a good mom and a good wife. Thank you for being her mother. Thank you for creating such a beautiful soul and introducing her to the world." Freen rushed over her side kneeled down and hug Becky. Her face was buried in Becky's stomach as Becky's butterflies rambled inside. She was so afraid to breath, nor even move. She was afraid that Freen will hear how loud her heart is.

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