Chapter 28

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" Nita what are you doing here?" I asked watching how Nita smile lovingly at me. Damn it! How could I even forget she is my girlfriend! "Heng?" I darted my gaze towards Heng who slumped his shoulder in response uttering a that's -what-i-was-about-to-tell-you face.

"I payed a visit since you seem like you enjoyed too much being here in England. Just a little more and i'm gonna think you already found someone else, or am I right?." She asked wrapping her arms around my waist pulling me in for a hug. I remained stiff, arms slouched in the side as she planted a kiss on my cheeks. " Are you going somewhere?"

I gulped. How could I tell her i'm going to my daughter's play? I can't just drop a bomb like that like this or else she might do something I wouldn't like.


"Heng! Oh my god hi!" Nam's voice rang over the hallway, she was unaware of the other visitor standing outside our door as she is block by Heng's figure. She engulf Heng into a hug.

"Oh Freen, I thought you already left? Aren't you gonna be late for Fin's —". Nam didn't finished her sentence, I covered her mouth with my palms as she rumbled the words in making it inaudible.  Once Heng move a muscle from his spot, Nam saw Nita, she looked at me with her creased eyebrows before I ushered her not to say anything.

"What are you bitch doing here?" Nam asked before rolling her eyes. I long knew that Nam harbored a feeling of dislike with my girlfriend and I won't blame her for that. Nita is a bitch.

"I'm visiting my girlfriend... Am I not allowed to do that?" She asked.

"Of course because you're not needed here." She snapped. Nita's jaw clenched. Her face turned red as she suppressed the anger she felt. Yet before the tension escalate, I pull them away from each other or else they'll be throwing punches.

"Look this is not the time to fight okay.  Nam relax okay? And you Nita, I don't know why you suddenly showed up here when you knew i'm here for business. " Her sculptured eyebrows creased.

"Are you kidding me? You're blaming me now because I came here?" She asked. " You're unbelievable."

I sighed, I looked at my watched and found out i'm really running out of time. "Nita can we just talk when I get home please? I have places to be right now and you arguing with me right now keeps me longer. Okay? Please... Let's talk when I get home."  I attempted to flee, yet Nita grasp my wrist pulling me back.

"Aren't you even gonna offer me a room to stay?"

I groaned." Fine! Let's get you another room, Heng can you accompany Nita?"

"No! I want to sleep with you! Why are you asking me to get another room?" She inquired, voice raising into a higher pitched as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Nam is staying with me Nita. And I am not planning on kicking her out so it's either you sleep in another room or sleep somewhere else." I warned. This woman is so hard to persuade and if I don't flee right now i'm scared i'll miss Fin's play. " I need to go Nita." I bid my goodbye, this time not letting Nita hold me back again. I heard her call from afar yet it didn't halt my strides.

The moment I entered my car, I quickly started the ignition and mumble a silent prayer along the way. I took a glance at my wrist watch, it reads 9:30, fifteen minutes before Fin's play.

I ruffled my hair in annoyance as the traffic ahead me hung heavy. " Damn it!" I mumbled, my patience drew down by the static motion of cars lined up waiting for the traffic to lessen.

Richard Armstrong
I hate to have you here but Fin asked where you are. Where are you?

Richard Armstrong
Are you coming?

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now