Chapter 18

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Becky walked back towards the parking lot. Her face unreadable as she opened the door harshly startling Charlotte a little.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere?" She asked but Becky wasn't in the mood anymore.

"Let's just go pick Fin up. " She replied curtly. Charlotte who is not use with the sudden cold shoulder behaved in an instant. The ride in the car was a complete silence and none of them speak up. Nor Charlotte herself. Hoping for Becky to speak up, Charlotte waited for a few minutes, but when she notice Becky wouldnt budge speaking, she started the conversation.

"Are you mad?" She asked. Becky shook her head, yet Charlotte is not convince. " Is it what I said? I'm sorry I didn't mean for it to slip like that. I'm so babe." She apologize looking down in her lap, her hand traveling unto Bec's hand as she squeezed it gently. " Don't be mad." She exclaimed hoping Becky would hold her hand.

After a few minutes, she felt Becky intertwine their fingers together before smiling. " I'm not mad. I'm just tired." She replied.

"Where did you go? I was looking for you."

"I breathe in air, but it was poisoned." She replied.


"Freen followed me around like a crazy dog she is. So i walked up a few blocks away just for her to leave me alone so we ended up walking a few blocks further."

"She what?"

"Yeah she did that." She replied. " That woman. I was so close on choking her to death, I even asked the officers to arrest her but they refused!" She whined, her annoyance igniting again.

"You what?"

"It's because she is so annoying! She keep following me and I can't do anything about it! She look like a creep!"

"She's just into you and wanted to amend things, I bet that's why." Charlotte replied making Becky raise her brow.

"Amend her ass. Nothing is broken anymore,her amendments are not needed." Becky replied as she step on the pedal again driving a little faster.


The next day, Becky went to the grocery store, her hands clutch the pushing cart as she walked towards the vegetables area to buy food stock. She was busy looking around, her ear pods tuck in her ears as she pushed the cart forward. But suddenly, someone bumped into her.

"Ouch!" She yelp in pain holding her feet as the wheel of the cart hit her.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you!" That voice. That voice again.

"You?" She asked raising her head, she knew it was Freen again, she smell her scent. And it made her annoyance rise up.

"Rebecca?"  Freen asked. Before Freen can say something more, Becky pushed her cart towards Freen as the older girl yelp on pain while Becky walked off. She somehow don't want to do grocery again.

Her annoyance infuriated, her mood switch from calm to a little tense and her eyes bore a lot of different emotions. Wanting to ease up the nerve in her body, Becky found herself in front of a milk tea shop. Without washing any second, she went inside.

"Good morning ma'am, what can I do for you?" The woman asked, her smile was radiant like a sun as she look at Becky.

"Can I get one large matcha please?" She asked, the woman then nodded and started pressing her keys.

"Anything else ma'am?" She asked.

"That's it." She replied as the woman leave the counter to prepare her order. Heaving a deep sigh, Becky slump her back on the soft cushion of the couch when suddenly, Freen came again.

"Rebecca." Becky groaned in annoyance, it seems like wherever she go there is Freen, Freen is everywhere, Freen is all over the place.

"What?" She asked blankly.

"Can we ah... Talk?" Freen hesitantly asked. Without second guessing, Becky shook her head.

" No!" She replied, her fingers tapping lightly on the wooden counter as she waited for her order.

"Here's your matcha tea ma'am." The woman exclaimed, Becky the rushed to get it giving her the money before she started walking off.

"Ma'am your change?"

"Keep it!" She yelled attempting to get out but before she can, Freen pulled her back making the staffs look at them.

"What do you want Sarocha!" She exclaimed gritting her teeth, Freen not knowing what to do, suddenly pulled Becca in making their bodies collide but Becky pushed her away.

"What the fuck Freen?" She asked. "What do you want? Spill it!" She asked, but Freen remained stoic. She don't know what to say, but she is disturbing Becky.

"I-i..." Having enough of Freen's idiocy, Becky called the cops again, and this time it's still the same cops she asked help with the last time.

" Officer! I'm the woman who asked for help the last time and i'm asking again today! Can you arrest her already? I'm gonna sue her of harassment!" She prompted, the officers shook their head the second time again.

"I'm sorry ma'am we can't arrest this woman." He replied.

"What the! Why?" She asked.  The officers started walking off, but Becky isn't satisfied without receiving any answers. " Fucking why officer!" She yelled.

"She is allowed to do that ma'am." Her confusion heighten, this time Becky wanted to choke this very officer.

"Oh was it legal here in England if someone stalked you? Was it?" She asked . The officer who were half way out of the exit stopped, and this time, the officer look back before giving her a warm smile. He suddenly walked back towards Freen was and asked her for her ID again, and this time the officer handed it to her. 

"What should I do with this?" She asked.

"Look and see it for yourself ma'am." He replied. Becky watch him confusingly as he ushered Becky to look at the ID,and what she found out almost had her eyes popping out.

Freen Sarocha Armstrong  Chankimha

"W-what? What is this?" She asked.

"That's the reason we refuse to arrest her ma'am." He replied. "Because we can't arrest your wife."

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