Chapter 9

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"Babe! Can you please show some signs that you somehow enjoy this! You're face look so bored!" Nita whispered making me glare in response. She know I dislike being surrounded with strangers, most especially being brought in crowded places. Yet, Nita insist on taking me to meet her family and all of her extended relatives.

"Do I have to show everyone that I care?" I inquired, I hate being told what to do, and here she is making me do the things I dislike.

"Of course babe, you need to show them respect they are —"

"You know what Nita? Fuck this! Fuck this thing! You know I dislike being dragged in crowded places with people I don't even know yet you're taking me here!" I snapped, few of Nita's relative heard my sudden rage making them shoot their glance in between us.

"Babe what's wrong? Why are you like this? We talk about this right? Why the sudden anger?"  She asked, my face carried boredom and my voice tinged with infuriation in every moment she push this activity to me.

"I'm going home. Tell your relatives it's nice to meet them, but I hope i'd never see them again." I fled the venue, drove my car away and rubbed the bridge of my nose in attempt to calm my irritation.

Seeking solace in places, I found myself in the front door of Nam's condo, my dear beloved friend. Heaving a deep sigh, I knock on her door twice before it sprung open revealing Nam with a towel on top of her head.

"Hey Sarocha! Why are you here? I thought you're gonna meet Nita's family?" She inquired not even bothering to open her door wider to welcome me.

"Aren't you even gonna invite me inside?" I sarcastically asked. Nam opened the door, amicably letting me invade her personal space.

"So what's the catch Sarocha? Why are you suddenly here? I thought youre meeting Nita's family?"

"I didn't sign up for any of those Nam. I didn't even know she would bring her whole town for me to meet. You know I dislike meeting people and going to crowded places yet she took me there! Didn't she know I dislike socializing?"

Nam snorted. "Of course she didn't know. She wasn't Becky Freen, she didn't live with you so she doesn't know what you like or don't like. " The mention of Becky's name left a hellhole in my heart. Like it's been ripped out of my chest without an exact reason why I felt that way. 

"Becky." I whispered.

"Yeah, we both know she's the only one who put up with you yet you pushed her away."

"Well because I don't love her Nam! What do you want me to do? Pamper her? Make her feel love when her brother almost killed my cousin? Hell no!"

"Becky is out of that issue Freen, she's innocent but you were putting all your pressure on her. Now what." She nagged for the hundredth time. I don't know how many times Nam nagged me about Becky but all I know is she wanted Becky for me, she keep on saying Becky is the perfect one for me, yet if she is the one for me... Why can't I see it? Perhaps I was covered with hatred and rage that I didn't even notice how glorifying she was before?

"Look Nam I didn't come here to talk about my ex-wife okay.  I came here to seek solitude but if you can't give it to me then i'm leaving." I replied, took my car keys and hurried directly to the door blocking Nam's voice that's calling my name from behind.

I just wanted escape. I just wanted freedom from all the noise, from all the chaos and all the not good part  of my life. But the world seems so cruel, wherever I go chaos embraces me. Is this my karma?

I drove faster towards the mansion, from Rebecca and I's home once. Nita on the other hand left numerous numbers of calls and text that I ignored and declined. I don't wanna talk to anyone for now.

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