Chapter 8

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Five Years Later

"Babe! When are you gonna be done? We will be late for Finley's play!" Charlotte's voice rang over the living room as she shoot one glance towards Becky who were busy cooking in the kitchen.  Her patience running out as she was in a rushed of attending their four-year old kid in kindergarten who will play her very first music at school.

"Few minutes by now, i'm just gonna finish cooking so we can eat when we get home!"  Becca yelled back transferring the food in the tray before putting it in a clean space.  "And done!"  She cooed drying her hands on the clean towel hanging on the side.

"Come on babe! Hurry! We're gonna be late!" Charlotte picked her bag up that is resting on the table before dragging Becky out of the car.

"Chill Lottie! You're acting like you are the mother here." Becky replied giggling a little from her friends exaggeration.

"Well we both raised her together, I was freaking there when your vaginal opening revealed her head so that makes me her other mother. Now honey stop asking obvious questions, fasten your seatbelt so we can go."

"Argh! That was so embarrassing!"

"What is?"

"You seeing me down there!"

"Oh honey it's okay, seeing Finley's head is the most precious moment for me as her mother."

"Your acting like her real mother, really." Charlotte rolled her eyes. At Becky before driving off.

Charlotte has been Becky's pillar ever since she left Thailand, just like Irin, Charlotte played a significant role in Becky's life alongside her brother.  When she left her life in Thailand, everything seems so heavy, her life, her career, her studies, everything felt like a huge brick of stone was hung upon her shoulders. The weight of her becoming a mother added to the increasing turmoil in her chest, the uncertainty of being a single lady in her twenty's raising a child of her own lies in the fold of depths in her mind.  She was scared, terrified even. Terrified to explore the world alone, terrified to embrace the new responsibility she needed to play.

Once the plane she was riding landed in England, her mind race with different what if's in her mind. What if she will not be a good mother? What if leaving Thailand is not the best choice? What if she stayed with Freen? A lot of different what if's she know she can't answer, but yet she thrive. She succeeded on raising her and Freen's child on her own without asking for any compensation from the other mother. It was all her hard work. While Richie? Richie tried his best to pay his debts to Freen, to pay with all sweat and tears without sacrificing any of her love ones. And they succeeded. Now both Becky and Richie owned one of the most successful company in England.

"We're here babe. Come one let's go see our daughter play." Both of them went out of the car.  Both yield whirlwind of overwhelming emotion as they step unto the school their daughter were attending. Once they arrived at the music room, Becky saw her daughter sitting in front of the mic, guitar dangling on her chest as she crossed her legs resting the guitar on it for support. " There's our baby." Charlotte whispered. 

Becky watched her daughter who smiled widely as soon as she seen her mother. Putting the guitar aside, she ran off stage wrapping her mother and her aunt in a tight hug.

"Mommies!" She exclaimed jumping in excitement in her mothers bones.

" Heya little fella. How is it going?" Charlotte.

"It's fine mommy, my coaches are preparing for the play a few minutes by now." 

"Aren't you nervous sugar?" Becky inquired,yet her daughter didn't show any kind of fright watching as the chairs gathered more than fifty people.

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now