Chapter 39

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" I'm Engfa Waraha..."

" Don't you have any other options of lawyers Freen? Really? This woman? You know I can be your lawyer why take her instead?" Charlotte exclaimed obviously infuriated with the other lawyer.

"She's uh—... I don't wanna burden you much in the law firm Cha so I choose her. And besides she got a lot of experiences too."

Engfa grinned. Her smile reaching her ears as she gaze at Freen lovingly.

"Argh! Whatever..." Charlotte rolled her eyes at the woman before dragging me towards my table. " I'm going now babe. I'll call you later na?" I nodded and Char planted a soft kiss on my temple and my cheek.  "Love you."

"Love you too." She exit the office and shut the door close behind her. When I happened to snap my gaze, I found Freen and Engfa with sore expressions on their faces.  What's wrong with these two now? "What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing." Freen replied. " Come on Fa, let's go check the other side of the building."

Both of them left me on the office. The existence of Engfa added a rage of dislike within me, her sudden appearance in the scene is annoying. Freen made a statement, she told me she will try to be better and make it work yet this woman arriving here is distracting her.

She's annoying.


The following days, both of the CEO's and the lawyers were tangled in a heated tension. The love chain was too much to handle. Freen was jealous of Charlotte, Becky was jealous of Engfa, Engfa was jealous of Becky and Charlotte being Charlotte. Wear a cool and i-don't-give-a-damn mask.

As the days unfolded Freen and Engfa grow too much closer, too close to Becky's dislike. Engfa was attached on Freen's hip that whenever the woman go there is Engfa.

Torn in between the paper works on her table, Freen remained focus on the things she needed to do. She have a lot of pending meetings and international joint meetings. She is busted. She needed to find a way or else her company will be affected.

"Have you think of a way to win Becky? We both know that woman is not easy to get. You have to find something that will get her to you." Engfa exclaimed. She is already aware about Freen and Becky because she was persistent to know the story. And now she's also willing to help her new friend.

"I'm thinking a lot of things Fa. And now all I wanted to do is to take it slow."

"You're taking too slow Freen! Make a move! "

"I cant just strike like that! I have to be sincere Engfa. I wanted to be sincere. You're demanding me to just go with it already."  She replied, her eyes still fix on her laptop.

"I have an idea." Engfa stood up prompting over the window and rush over towards Freen direction when she saw Becky's car approaching. "She's already here! She's here!"

"What? What would we do?" Freen asked dumbfoundedly.

"We will make her jealous. I can really see through that woman's eyes how she wanted to kill me."

Before Freen could answer, they heard footsteps on the stairs indicating Becky's arrival. She was too nervous that she didn't even notice how Engfa started acting up. She tucked hair behind Freen's ear and planted soft head kisses.

"Ahem." It was Charlotte. She was clearing her throat as both of the woman pretend to be caught off guard.

"O-oh! Hi." Engfa greeted. Damn this woman! She's so good at this!

"Are we interrupting something?" Charlotte asked.

"No, of course not." Freen replied defensively. The truth is she don't know if this would work or it will worsen Becky's rage towards her.

Bewitching Rebecca Patricia Armstrong  (GP)Where stories live. Discover now