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As I was going to the route way out of the woods, almost far away from the battlefield. My feet stopped moving after feeling such enormous pressure and power. I turned my back to see such a huge black sword with black magic covering it.

This is a divine visionary, and they're powerful indeed.

I came to my senses when I saw this mother bunny, who seemed to be just finished giving birth and very exhausted. damn! They are going to get caught. I looked back at the huge sword that was about to hit.

"Guess I won't be seeing her tonight."

Just before it hit, I jumped out and covered the mother bunny with her babies. I could feel the pain all over my body. My eyes were blurry, and I couldn't hear anything. Nice! What a nice day it was. I tried to press a little bit of my body against the bunny to feel if it was breathing, and I smiled to know that it was breathing after closing my eyes and being engulfed by the darkness.

"You existed because of her. So don't be a disappointment and do what you need to do for her."

"Your fate is to live for her to live."

I'm slowly waking up and seeing myself being carried by someone. I could still feel the pain in some areas of my body, but not as much as when that thing hit me.

"You're awake." I heard his familiar voice, so I tried to see his face, and I'm not mistaken. It was Rayne Ames.

"You're in the range of the partisan, and it hit you on your side." He continued while he was still walking and carrying me in his arms. "The bunnies..." I hardly talked as I tried to look behind him and check for the bunnies.

"They're okay. I made sure that the mother and babies were in a safe place." He said. before stopping his pace because I pulled his cloak a little bit. I got off of his arm and bowed my head a little bit.

"Thank you, but I will be going on myself from here." I said quietly before turning my heel to walk on the way to the academy. He didn't respond; instead, he placed a handkerchief on my shoulder.

"It's a magic handkerchief, use that to heal some of your injuries." That's all, and he left. I looked at the piece of cloth he handed me and smiled a little because of the bunny design all over it.

I made my way back to the academy to see the headmaster as well. although I don't really want to, as if I have the right to defy. As I was in front of the door, I knew that they'd been waiting for a long .

"You don't have the title to make us wait this long, [Y/N]." Just what I thought when I heard her voice.

"My wife, just ignore it."

"How could I ignore it? This human did whatever she wanted to do as if she had the qualifications to do so. just to remind you, [Y/N] you only live for her!" This woman hinted all over me, which made me gaze at her dead in the face. She was shocked by my sudden action, saying that she couldn't get a word out while her fingers were pointed at me.

"[Y/N]" The headmaster called my attention. His voice was calming, as if he wanted me to compose myself.

"You are to be sent to Easton Magic Academy for the exchange student event. You are to stay there for the four months of this school year on behalf of your sister." My heart shrank, and my feet stepped back a little bit, and I could hear this woman's little snickers.

"Easton Magic Academy?" I questioned that, and the headmaster answered with a nod. "You know I can't be there. You know that I must not see that monster." I uttered, shaking.

"I deeply apologize for this [Y/N]. You are to be instructed to be in the Easton Academy by tomorrow midnight." The headmaster stated this and dismissed me from the room.

This is how unfair fate is to be.

This is how unfair fate is to be

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end of chapter

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now