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Darkness recedes, and I'm up to start the first day of my day with this new experience and the surroundings in which I will spend the next four months of my life. I touch my body and my neck to check for any assault on me while I'm asleep by the wicked witch I'm living with.

To ensure that I wasn't touched, I slowly allowed myself to sit on my bed, quilt still covering my lower half. My eyes went to the girl sleeping, not minding the time that the class was actually starting. I don't know for mine, though. I get out of bed and start tidying it before grabbing the towel I have in my bag. Striding to the door, I held the knob and turned it open.

After taking a quick shower, I simply slid off my casual attire to get through this day. A black skirt that is lengthened above the knee, and for my top, a white long-sleeve polo. While still contemplating the choice I made, the words of the headmaster resurfaced in my memory. My feet walked towards the door in our room and immediately opened it to check for a paper that I had to fill out. To my sudden surprise, Rayne was standing outside. His back is leaning against the wall, his arms are crossed, and on his right hand are papers.

"It took you long enough." He talks, irritation is visible in his voice, but I wasn't worthy of his eyes to look at. "My apologies, I just finished getting ready." I explained as I stood in front of him. He slowly composed himself, and now his eyes are scanning me from head to toe. His gaze fixed on my feet, for I'm not wearing my shoes yet because of my sudden rush through the door.

"You're going out with that? Are you seriously wasting time now?" He blurted out that I felt I caused him any trouble. I removed my gaze from him and attempted to enter the room to grab my foot covering. Before I could enter inside, a cloth was placed on my head, so I grabbed it, frustrated. I was frustrated by his words, telling me that I clearly waste time, which I'm not.

I see the cloth to be a cloak, the same as his. I tried to look back, but the door was already closed. I put on my shoes in a bad mood before exiting the room, closing the door lightly behind me.

My eyes scanned the hallway, and I could see him a little far from where I'm standing. The crippling thought of me running away and strolling out in the woods is attempting, but I remember that the papers I needed to fill out were with him. I let out a frustrated sigh before I followed him, almost running.

The moment I catch up with him, he seems not concerned about my panting and shortness of breath from the running and brisk walking I did. I started piercing glares at his back, but he stopped his pace and turned his attention to me.

"You're glaring at me?" He questioned that, and I scoffed and sarcastically smiled at him.

"I don't." I casually answered, my hands were on my knees, collecting some energy I needed to snatch the paper from him. He stood there in front of me, continually eyeing me with his accord.

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now