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"I guess that wraps everything." [your name] as she gets, collecting and fixing the papers that are on the table. I nodded in response, while my eyes were still on her, watching her. "You seem in a rush, are you going somewhere?" I asked, and he answered with a hum. When she's finished stuffing everything away, she makes her way to the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked her again. I don't know why my lips keep asking stupid questions. "Uh, in the town?" She hesitantly answered and was about to get out when I asked her, "Why?" Her [color] eyes narrowed down, trying to grasp the scene.

"It's personal. See you tomorrow, I guess. Goodbye for now." She said this and waved her hand, exiting the room. I facepalm myself upon the realization of how I acted. She'll be thinking that I'm a weird person to deal with.

Anyway, I have to go and see Mr. Wahlberg now regarding the incident between her and her roommate. As I prepare myself to go out of the room, I hear a faint sound of struggle outside. Letting go of the paper, I rush outside to see the emptiness of the hallway, feeling the eeriness.

My eyes roamed around, looking for some trail of evidence, when my gaze landed on a pinch of gold-like color, similar to pixie dust.

"[your name]." I enunciated her name under my breath before rushing to look for her. Where he could possibly bring her. Worries and somewhat anger are starting to gush on my system, and I can't seem to calm down. I continue looking for her whereabouts, going to the area where she could probably be.

While looking for her, I passed by Mash Burnedead, who was busy eating her cream puff. Might as well ask him. "Have you seen [your name]? The exchange student?" I immediately asked him. "I haven't seen her." He replied shortly and started munching on his food again.

I didn't bother myself with conversing with him and continued looking for her until I spotted her familiar figure near the announcement board. She is facing down, and her hair is covering her face. I made my way straight to her and held her by the shoulder. "Where have you been? Are you hurt? Does he harm you?" I surprisingly questioned her, which makes me back off a little on my action.

I received no response from her, and she slapped away my hands. I looked at her in disbelief, trying to contain myself so as not to think that I was worried for nothing. Her head is still down; she's avoiding my sharp gazes towards her. What is her problem now?

"I don't want any trouble, I want this to happen as swiftly as it can and go back to where I came from." She talks in a way that makes no sense to me, and she seems not to be herself. She raises her head and looks directly at me. I perceive a cut in her lip and a swollen eye.

I get near to her, one foot is the only distance between us. She stood still there, like a statue, while I towered over her. My right hand reached for her head, gently placing it on my chest. In there, she cries. Her cries scream agony, despair, and fear. We stayed in that position for a bit until I felt her hand forcefully clutch my cloak. It is the same as that day, when she held me in the arm.

I look to seek her eyes, but then she can't bear to look at me. When she stops crying, she slowly lets go of her hold on my cloak and pushes me away softly. "Rayne, I demand a new Divine Visionary to accompany me in this academy." She stated that she was smiling. A smile that says the opposite.

"I meant no business with you from here and on." She continued before walking past me. Leaving me there alone, not alone as I perceived.

"Show yourself." I demanded, and in a couple of seconds, A guy who is a bit taller than me came out of the dark. His yellow and swirl-patterned eyes gaze directly at me. "Orter Madl, I didn't know you had the talent for playing dirty." I stated that I was not removing my eyes from his as a smile formed on his lips.

"And I didn't know that a newly pronounced Divine Visionary would have such a good heart or just a mere act?" He plainly stated, fixing his eyeglasses. While he leaned against the wall.

"What did you do to her?" I questioned him. "Nothing. I just reminded her of a couple of things. One thing to mention is that she's here for her purpose and nothing else." He said he was not minding the gazes I threw at him.

"Nothing? But she had swollen eyes and a cut in the lip." I said something seething in anger. A couple of my blades are up in the air, pointed at him. I discern his little laughter. "Taught her a lesson that she has no authority over her life. She's a mere fragment to make one more glorious." He said it bluntly as he made eye contact with me. A mere fragment? Her?

"My turn, Rayne Ames, the sword cane wielder." He spoke out, standing properly and looking directly at me, not minding the swords that were up to meet him any moment by now. "Why is the untamed getting tamed?" He questioned that, which made me clench on my wand. Maintaining the eye contact we have as his lips form a smile after he caught me by his question.

Right. I don't easily get attached to someone, be friends with them, or interact with them. I wouldn't care as much as possible, but when did I start viewing this girl as a mystery that I've been meaning to unfold?

Is it when I first met her, lying unconscious with the bunnies that she protected from me? Is it when she shows how vulnerable she is? Or is it the way she acted strong and different to someone else, but towards me, her relying and innocent facade? Or was I really tamed by show and enactment?

I didn't realize that my eyes were on the floor, lost in the thoughts circling around my head as my hand grappled with the part of my cloak that she had grasped awhile ago. I raised my head to look for Orter, but he's no longer around.

 I raised my head to look for Orter, but he's no longer around

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end of chapter

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now