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It's today.

I'll be leaving this school and including myself as an outsider outside a well-known magic school. I took a deep breath before knocking on her door.

"It's me." I mouthed, and when I heard that barely spoken 'come in' of her, I opened her door to see her with things all over her body. She smiled at me, even though she's having a hard time. She told me to sit in the chair near her.

"You know, you don't have to go," she said quietly while looking directly into my eyes. I smirked and laughed as I sat on a chair in a not-womanly way. "Too late for that. You should've told them," I said, trying to be sarcastic towards her.

"I'm sorry."

"Shut up," I said quietly.

"What if instead of being sorry, why don't you make yourself healthy so I'm not suffering? so that I can live my life for myself and not for you?" I said to her that it made her smile, but not the kind of smile I wanted to see.

"What if I die?" she asked.

"I would rather kill you with my own hands than have you die on your own after you put me through all this." I said it coldly, and that made her laugh a little. "Yeah, right. We'll do that, and I'll wait for you. My little sister," she said.

I stayed in her room for a little before I decided to leave and for her to get a rest as well, but before I could turn the knob on the door, she said something. That made me turn to her, but she's already sleeping. I went back near her bed, covered her body with the quilt, and left.

By midnight.

The headmaster was beside me while we were waiting for the transportation that would take me to Easton Academy.

"Are you alright?" The headmaster asked me.

"I guess." I answered shortly because I'm not interested in talking at the moment. There is silence between the two of us, not until green-colored flames appear on the side of the veranda, and there appears a blue-haired boy with another boy who has blonde strands in his hair. He has a resemblance to someone, who was that again?

"A wonderful evening, sir. I'm Lance Crown." The blue-haired boy introduced himself with such good ethics.

"And I'm Finn Ames. We're assigned to assist the exchange student at our academy." Oh, he must be Rayne Ames little brother. What opposite poles we have here.

"A good evening to the both of you, gentlemen. I'm the headmaster of Madrigal Academy, and this is [l/n] [y/n], and she is coming with you." The headmaster introduces himself and me to the two males.

"Alright, have a safe trip, the three of you, and [y/n] be careful and good luck. We'll see you in four months." He bid his farewell. I just nodded in response and went near the two guys I'm going to be with.

"Are you ready to go, [l/n]-san?" A question that I answered with a nod.

"Just call me [y/n]." I said that he answered with a smile before the green-colored flame awhile ago engulfed us, and I saw myself standing in a white-colored room with a very high ceiling.

"Welcome to Easton Magic Academy!"

"Welcome to Easton Magic Academy!"

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end of chapter

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now