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I'm dazed and still unable to process what has just happened in that room. I had expected it in the first place, but why was I still so affected?

My eyes are on the papers on my desk that I just finished filling up, and the last task to do is to hand them to Rayne, whom I believe is assigned to be with me as we work for the next four months. How will I know his location now?

I look at the door, hoping that he's there waiting so I can just hand this over and hide here for the rest of my life, but that is impossible.

My stomach starts to rumble, reminding me that I haven't eaten anything since the morning, and it's almost eight in the evening, but I wonder why my roommate is still not here. I'm not so worried about it because it gave me peace to think about what was going to happen.

Right! How about writing down the things I need to do to avoid that person? Great idea!

As I grab an empty sheet of paper and start writing, a pause swarms in my head, and I am unable to write anything. A defeated laugh leaves my mouth as I remember that the person I'm trying to avoid has the power to do everything. After all, he's a divine visionary.

I sighed and fixed the papers that were on my desk. I get up and grab the cloak that Rayne gave me. I decided to go grab something to eat in the kitchen. I wore it, and it's a little big for me, but it'll do it.

I headed towards the door and opened it. Quietness is all over the hallway; it is lit by these lights attached to the walls. The thing is, I don't really know where the way to the kitchen is.

I'm getting annoyed because things keep coming to me that make me look dumb. I'm still standing in front of my room. I guess a little exploring on my own won't be bad.

As I managed to convince myself, I prepared myself to start walking when someone talked behind me. "Hi? Are you o...?" Fear and panic wash over me as my hand unconsciously collects all its power and slaps the person behind me.

I heard her grunts and agony from the slap he received. I covered my mouth with the hand I used to slap him. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm really sorry. I was startled." I explained as I attempted to get near him, but I didn't because the thought of him slapping me back lingers.

"It's alright, my fault. I suddenly talked behind you, which made you startled." He said he was still holding his face with the mark of his hand. I squeezed my eyes shut because of the embarrassment and trouble I caused.

"But are you okay?" He asked again; this might be his question from a while ago that he's not able to finish. "Oh, not really. You see, I'm new here, and I'm trying to find my way to the kitchen to grab something to munch on." I explained that it made him smile a little, but he winces in pain, still feeling the sting from my slap.

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now