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I opened my eyes slowly, and I found myself lying on my bed. I looked around to observe my surroundings as excruciating pain rewarded my body as I attempted to get up. "[your name]—san! You're finally awake! Hold on a second, and I'll inform Rayne-san." Lemon excitedly leaves the room, and after a couple of minutes, a count of six figures emerges at the door, and in the middle is Rayne, worried.

"How are you feeling, [your name]- san?" Finn questioned me as he stood near my side table. "Horrible, I want to throw up. Pain is killing me." I uttered it in despair, as every move I tried was futile because it made me groan in pain.

"You've been asleep for five days." My eyes shift towards Rayne, whose arms are crossed. His golden eyes pierced through as she met my questioning gaze. "What? why? That long?!" I questioned. Panic starts to creep into my system.

"You have lost an incredible amount of mana, that's what the nurse told." He answered me, but I can't seem to be calm after recalling what happened.

I did what I was forbidden to do.

The sudden adrenaline rushes over my body as I get up and push them away. Confusion and surprise are engraved in their faces as I opt to leave. It can't be, it cannot be. My chest tightened from all of the images that were flashing all over me. As tears cascade down my eyes as I continually run, not listening to the calls of the people behind me.

I was thrown to the ground as my crying didn't stop after bumping into someone. "Your cries anger me, [your name]." I shuddered at hearing his menaced voice. As I know now, somewhat frightening circumstances have occurred due to my deed.

A wail escapes my lips as his firm hand reaches my hair, grasping and pulling it. "I warned you so many times, but you didn't listen." Orter uttered those words, tempting it to kill me. He harshly pulled my hair as he wanted me to look him in the eye.

"What are you trying to accomplish? Huh." He spat. I could feel his anger because of how he trembled. I can't resort to any response because I am overwhelmed by his anger and by the emotion I'm feeling right now.

He's held in my hair and got withdrawn when a sword came to attack him, which he immediately dodged. "What the hell are you doing with her, Orter!?" Rayne was enraged by what he saw. Finn and Lemon rush on my side while Lance, Dot, and Mash are behind Rayne, backing him up.

"I have no time for you, Rayne Ames. So get out of my sight before I run out of patience and kill you." Orter blurted in anger as he was consumed by it. I have seen him being angry every time something happens, but never like this that he could threaten someone else aside from me.

He won't calm down until he gives me what he taught me to deserve after making such stunts that can put her beloved in danger. A sigh left my lips as I swiftly pushed the two kids behind my back and stood on my feet. I slowly walk, passing the three boys and Rayne, who is baffled by my actions as to why I'm going to Orter.

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now