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"Shiver sounds!"

Gravity puts a weight on Rayne Ames as he quietly struggles, yet another magic spell is cast by this boy.

"Howling sounds!"

Musical notes appear, surrounding Rayne Ames while he's in a difficult position.

"I wouldn't attack if I were you. They'll explode in response to your casting." I see. That's a wonderful attack to commence, but let's see what a divine visionary can do in this situation.

"Rayne Ames. Do you know why I desire stimulation? Art, love, sports, drinking, drugs, and gaming. None of these are necessary to live a normal life. So why seek them? It's simple." Why I feel he is so unreasonable.

"Because boredom is death. We live our lives in pursuit of that rush. But you're awfully easygoing, meddling in other people's business. You bore me, I can't imagine someone like you could ever fulfill me. Be a dear and move aside, will you? I've just got to see Mash Burnehead."

Mash Burnehead? What's about that kid that makes him interest this shaved guy, and why doesn't Rayne Ames allow this motive to happen?

"He's a brazen kid." After a while, he spoke. I don't know, but I don't think it is a good idea to stay here any longer.

"Brazen enough to tell me... he wants to change this world's view." My heart beats faster, but I don't think it's about how eminent his power is, but about those words he stated. I am too; I wanted to change this world's view. I meant my fate as stated in this world.

"I'll make sure that brazen kid goes as far as he can go." Rayne Ames declared, and another line formed in his face. So this is a triple-liner and Divine Visionary, such immense power.

I have to get out of here. As I was just stepping out of the scene, a boy stopped near me and didn't seem to notice that I was standing there. He pulled out this huge cream puff, and his face shows how he loves the sweet, not until he was interrupted by the on-going war near where we are standing. Tsk! I immediately pulled him down into the huge bushes and hid him while covering his mouth.

He seems to not be struggling, so I let go of him. "Be quiet." I shushed him, and he responded with a nod. My eyes stared at the guy with a musical note. He's smiling maniacally and seems to enjoy the possibility of their fight now that he's dealing with a powerful opponent.

As much as I wanted to finish these fights, I have to get back to the Academy. I looked at the young boy beside me, and he was as intrigued by the scene as I was. I whispered at him, "I wanted to stay and observe here with you, but I can't. I have a summons to get in, and I suggest you go, otherwise, you'll catch yourself in their battle." I told him quietly and patted his back.

"I'll be okay. I know that person," he answered, pointing at Rayne Ames, who was busy with the shaved guy. I smiled at him and prepared myself to walk out of the scene. "All right then, be careful," I said, making my way back to the academy.

"He wants to change this world's view, huh?"

"He wants to change this world's view, huh?"

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end of chapter

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now