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The conflict was quickly resolved with the help of the police. "Old man." Mash acknowledges the police who are arresting the man who harmed Finn. "Mash, what are you doing here?" The police officer who introduced himself as Bra questioned.

"We're buying our outfit for the upcoming event in the academy." Mash answered. "I see. Alright, then be careful, all of you." He bid his farewell and took the man I hit with my wand. A deep sigh left my lips as I turned around to look at them.

"Finn, are you alright?" I gently questioned him as I touched his cheek, for he was silent. He just nodded as a response and hid behind Rayne. "I'm sorry, everyone." I apologize for the occurrence that caused terror and harm.

"Let's go back for now, Finn has to rest." Lemon suggested that we all agree. The five kids went ahead using transportation spells, and I'm left alone with Rayne's curious gazes. "What is it?" I remarked at him that that made him scoff as we made our way back as well.

"You're mysterious." He concluded that it made me laugh. "You think so?" I answered him as we walked beside each other. He didn't respond to my question as silence erupted between us.

"You know, Orter said the same words you said." Rayne spoke up, making me glance at him, his eyes were directed our way. "Really? Like what?" I questioned him.

"That you're a mere fragment, that you are only attending the academy for a purpose." A forced smile formed on my lips. "That's right. I am only living because of them, because of the desire they wanted." My voice cracked with those words that left my mouth. Rayne's concerned eyes met mine, the urge to cry about how unfair it is to live just for someone is burdening my being.

I looked down to avoid his eyes but was stunned by the arms that wrapped around me. The embrace is so warm and soothing that the pain, anger, and longing I'm feeling have vanished. My tears slip unceasingly from my eyes as I cry on his chest.

"You were born to live your life the way you wanted to, don't let such fate take control over you." Rayne enunciated, his embrace getting tighter, pulling me closer to him.

"You don't need to stay here, go on and live your life. Play outside, use your magic, or be the naughty girl you are. Just live it to the fullest."

A little laugh left my mouth as I slowly moved away from his embrace. "You said the same." I uttered.

"Who?" He asked as we proceeded to walk. "My sister—I mean my half sister." I answered him.

"Nemenis Madrigal, does it ring a bell?" I questioned him, which put him in silence for a bit. "Yes, isn't she the great-granddaughter of the owner of Madrigal?" He questioned me, and I nodded in response. "And why is your last name different?"

TAMING THE UNTAMED - RAYNE A.Where stories live. Discover now